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Why Don’t We Hangout

I felt so many feelings reading this New York Times article on hanging out with friends as an adult. That used to be the activity — the request. “Do you want to come over and hang out?” But now it’s going to dinner or seeing a show or going on a walk.

When you’re a kid with limited funds and modes of transport, hanging out with friends feels natural. But adults are often used to doing scheduled activities with one another … “Often, we don’t think something is beneficial unless it’s productive.”

I also like the idea suggested in the article of meeting on a park bench, creating a neutral third space where people can arrive and leave whenever they need.

I miss long afternoons on someone’s sofa, doing our homework, talking, and just… well… hanging out.

1 comment

1 Mali { 06.18.24 at 8:22 pm }

I have a friend who lives about 90 minutes away, and so when I visit, we hang out for the afternoon. We tried to arrange a time this last week, so just hung out together on zoom the other day. I got a glass of wine, she had tea, and it was cool. Not quite the same thing as you’re remembering, but close enough.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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