Hilary Neiman Sentencing Outcome
Just wanted to give a heads up since I read it this morning and we discussed it last summer. The first person — Hilary Neiman — who was accused with Theresa Erickson and Carla Chambers of operating a baby selling ring within surrogacy/adoption, was sentenced to five months in prison. According to the article, she also will “serve seven months of home detention, forfeit $133,000 in profits and set aside $20,000 for restitution.”
Theresa Erickson and Carla Chambers will be sentenced some time in early 2012.
Last summer, when I first read about it, I knew exactly how I felt. This morning, reading about the jail time, my feelings are murkier. Maybe because the court began with Neiman, a fellow Marylander who is about my age. Maybe because there is a difference between accusations and guilty pleas that involve reputations/professions and jail sentencings that involve time. I said in that second post:
I have a lot of fears right now, and I’m finding it very difficult to return to that rosy, rational place where I was comfortable in my beliefs. Where I knew that exploiters exist — does Madoff ring any bells? — and they may even cross my path, but the vast majority of people I surround myself with have my best interests at heart even if they want compensation for their work. I know I will get back to that place because if that is your natural state, you always return to that place. But right now, I’m waiting for this feeling to pass so I can return to a place of trust. Because what else can I do when I have this need and I require others to help me fulfill it?
I still believe that is my natural state. I still don’t think that I’ve fully returned to my place of trust. Maybe my murky feelings have something to do about noticing that within myself.
Do you think you ever really return to that particular state of trust? I think every bad experience makes you (or, me) trust just a little bit less, so you can never really get back to the same state.
I think I thought I would simply because I usually bounce back after a temporary period of not trusting. Hence how I stayed with so many shitty people in life 🙂 They let me down, I was upset, I stopped trusting them, time passed, they regained my trust… and the cycle continued.
But in this case, I find that I am just as wary — especially the less I directly interact with the person. Professionals that I’ve had direct contact with have probably regained my trust. Professionals I know by name only probably haven’t.
How do I contact you in email? I left you my email. I want to share something with you.
Does Hilary Neiman have a family of her own?