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Advertise on my Blogs

For Advertisers

Advertise on Stirrup Queens or Lost and Found and Connections Abound

You may purchase ad space on my left sidebar that runs below the BlogHer ads. All image ads are around the same size: 125 x 125 and cost $50/week.  In addition, you can purchase ad space on my right sidebar that appears closer to the top of the blog (usually beneath the icon of the book) and costs $100/week.

Smaller ads which are solely a colourful bar that can hold a blog name or business name can be purchased for $25/week (left sidebar) and $50 (right sidebar).

All advertisements may be linked to a site or to a specific blog post. You may purchase advertisements in one week increments for up to three months. All payment is made through Paypal.

My readership tends to be men and women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who are engaging in family building or have young children.

I do not accept ads that go against my philosophy or the spirit of the sites. Therefore, I do not accept advertising that is connected to baby or pregnancy-related services or websites (with the exception of those related to infertility, assisted conception, or adoption). I also tend not to accept advertising that is of a political or religious nature. Sorry.

When contacting me about advertising, please state whether you would like the ad to appear on Stirrup Queens, Lost and Found, or both sites simultaneously.

Contact Melissa by clicking here and providing the following information in your email:

  • Name of your site
  • Main url of site (or post)
  • Any text (up to 50 words) as well as links you’d like to have appear within the text if you are purchasing an image ad (smaller bar-shaped ads do not come with text space).
  • Whether you want the ad to appear on Stirrup Queens, Lost and Found, or both sites simultaneously
  • An email address to send the Paypal billing
  • Attach the art to the email (for an additional $20, I will design the ad for you after initial discussion)

A bill via Paypal will be sent within 48 hours. If the bill is not paid 48 hours after being sent, the ad request will be deleted.

Last updated: February 9, 2009.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
The contents of this website are protected by applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved by the author