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Happy Lists and Community Projects

The sidebar was just getting too unruly for words, so I’ve compiled all of the happy lists and community projects–both complete and on-going–onto this one page. Have a good time exploring. Click on any of the links to see the original posts or learn more about the project.

The Creme de La Creme happens every year from December to January. Instead of awarding one blog the “best” blog in the IF/pg loss blogosphere, every blogger submits their favourite post of the year.

Putting Together the First Creme de la Creme
More on the Creme de la Creme’s History

The Creme de la Creme of 2006 List
The Creme de la Creme of 2007 List (check back in January 2008)

Similar to the Creme de la Creme project, the Friday Blog Roundup Extravaganza occurs every July. Unlike the Creme de la Creme where a bloggers chooses their own favourite post, for the Friday Blog Roundup Extravaganza, participants were given another blog to read and had to pick their favourite from July to July. Each blogger then wrote a few sentences on why they loved that particular post. The list is compiled secretly and no one knows who reviewed their blog.

The Friday Blog Roundup Extravaganza of 2007
The Friday Blog Roundup Extravaganza of 2008 (check back in July of 2008)

To mark my blogoversary, we started three projects. The Commentathon is held twice a year in the summer and winter. Secret Ode Days pop up on the calendar at irregular intervals when one least expects it. The Great Cake Day takes place every year on June 25th.

Read about all three projects as well as seeing old Commentathon lists or Secret Ode Day write ups by clicking here.

The Blilt Project is an ongoing creation of virtual blog quilts (or blilts). These blilts are constructed by people giving a quote on a certain topic and then the squares are made and placed together, with a link going back to the author’s blog. You can see both the current blilt as well as all older blilts by clicking below.

How to Make an International Blilt

When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when you’re feeling sad because you just got back a negative beta, go over and see what is currently making other people happy. We compile this list of from time to time, with everyone adding their favourite things.

Favourite Things One
Favourite Things Two

Come On Get Happy is an ongoing discussion and activity for the fall/winter of 2007. Participate by jumping into the discussion or joining one of the Happiness Challenges. The point? To join the happiness revolution and gain peace while navigating the choppy waters of infertility.

Come On Get Happy Compilation

First Happiness Challenge

Second Happiness Challenge

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
The contents of this website are protected by applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved by the author