Progesterone Supplements (Oral and Vaginal)
Progesterone Supplements (Oral and Vaginal)
by Kris
* Please note that while I reference intramuscular progesterone injections, I don’t go into detail as I have no experience with them.
Why would you be taking progesterone supplements?
There are a few reasons you might be taking progesterone supplements, which can be delivered orally, through vaginal suppositories, or via intramuscular injection (commonly referred to as PIO). Some examples: (1) You have low progesterone levels. This is usually diagnosed by having a blood test done 7 days post-ovulation. (2) You have a short luteal phase regardless of the results of the 7 dpo progesterone results. I believe that any luteal phase less than 12 days is considered short. (3) Even if your progesterone level and luteal phase are fine, if you are doing IVF (and depending on the RE, IUI) you will probably be prescribed progesterone supplements. Taking the supplement just covers your bases.
Why would you take them orally or vaginally?
The oral supplement is definitely the least invasive way to do the job if it works for you. However, when you take progesterone (or apparently any hormone) orally, it must be metabolized by the liver, which makes the delivery system inefficient and less effective. As for vaginal supplements versus injections, all I can offer is what I’ve been told. For most women, there seems to be no difference in the results. My clinic uses the suppositories because they feel after all the pre-procedure injections they just don’t want to prescribe more injections. My RE also informed me that when they switched to suppositories their pregnancy rates increased. However, there does seem to be evidence that some women have a better response with the injections. I know there are women out in bloglandia who agree with this.
What to expect
You can expect to take the supplements until you take your beta. If it is negative, you will stop and your period will arrive. If it is positive, you will continue taking the supplements for at least a few more weeks and possibly through the entire first trimester. If you are having blood tests done after insemination or transfer and are using vaginal supplements, your blood tests may not reflect high progesterone levels. Do not freak out if your level seems low compared to your friend doing injections. The vaginal suppositories are not systemic- all the progesterone stays right around your uterus and does not show up in blood tests. That doesn’t mean it isn’t there. The common oral supplement is prometrium. If you are taking this, expect to feel tired… fast. Twenty minutes after taking this I was dead to the world. But I slept great.
There are two vaginal forms: suppository (yellow pill–see picture) and suspended in gel (white bullet-like pill–see picture). The suppositories can be either prometrium (yes, the exact same pill you can take orally) or they can be pharmacy compounded. Not all pharmacies have the capabilities to compound these suppositories- at least not all American pharmacies. I have been told by my RE it doesn’t matter if you use prometrium or pharmacy compounded, but his preference is to use the pharmacy compounded. Whether you use prometrium or the compound suppositories, your dose will typically be 2 to 3 times per day. Expect to feel like you have constantly wet your pants. The prometrium is like a vitamin E–a softish gel capsule. In my experience, prometrium is much less oozy–one or two pantyliners a day should cover you just fine. You may notice some of the yellowish coating on your pantyliner. Gross, but normal. Prometrium can be kept at room temperature. The pharmacy compounded suppositories are very oozy. I frequently change panty liners when using these suppositories. These need to be kept cold or they will melt. When you take it out of the wrapper, it feels kind of waxy. But if you let it rest in your hand, the surface feels slick and oily. This is only the outer coating–if you look at the non-pointy end, you can see there is white goo inside the waxy shell. You may notice some of the disintegrated shell on your panty liner amongst the ooze. Also gross, but also normal.
The suspended in gel supplement (Crinone and similar products) comes in a pre-filled applicator (the pharmacy also gave me an applicator for taking the prometrium vaginally but I’ve never used it. I use my finger because it’s easier to wash.).
It’s been awhile, but as I recall, these applicators do not need to be kept cold. I don’t really remember any oozing, either. But I definitely remember this…when I read the insert, it said that I might see some of the suspension gel ooze out. I imagined that would be some sort of liquefied substance and I never saw any. Then one day I went to the bathroom and saw on my panties this disgusting glob of grainy cottage-cheesiness and I was horrified. That was a few days of the suspension gel–which doesn’t liquefy like I thought–finally succumbing to gravity. It was very gross and completely not what I expected, but also…normal. With all of these supplements, you may feel some bloating. They also cause me to have to pee a lot–especially in the middle of the night.
Problems you may encounter
Other than feeling like you are going to develop some sort of mold on your constantly moist naughty bits, there really aren’t too many problems. I have noticed that some time into the second week of the vaginal suppositories, my vagina feels irritated. If you’ve ever removed a tampon that was too dry, that’s what it feels like. Oh, and this (which I’m sorry, is painfully graphic)… I wiped front to back and when I first used the compounded suppositories and I noticed some irritation around my anus from the progesterone ooze that would linger behind when I was done. Now I just make sure I wipe the excess away from there–usually with damp tissue–and all sees to be well.
Personal Tips
As if the tush-wiping wasn’t personal. I try to make sure I space my dosages as evenly throughout the day as I can. And I try to lay down for as much of that as possible to allow the progesterone to absorb before oozing out. No one told me to do that…that’s just my neurosis. I have a three-a-day dose. I do one at 8 p.m. and then crawl into bed and read. I set my alarm for 4 a.m.- I usually have to pee around then anyway- and put in the next dose. At night, I fill a small glass with ice and just set the wrapped compounded suppository on top. This way I can keep the glass on my nightstand and avoid fumbling around my kitchen at 4 a.m. Then I go back to sleep for a few more hours. I take the third dose at noon and just deal with the instant ooze, since I’m at work. But if it’s a weekend, I think an afternoon nap is in order.
My OB did the day-21 test and discovered that I had low progesterone. He prescribed Prometrium and gave me a referral to the RE. I started using the Prometrium without instructions…bad idea. He never told me to go off of it. He told me that I would just get my period and then I should stop it. Well…I didn’t get my period. My cycle kept going and going and going until I went to the hospital with “abnormal uterine bleeding.” Aaaah, thank you, Dr. OB.
So stop them either when you take a beta. Or, in the event that you’re not being monitored, do a HPT when your period is one day late and if it isn’t positive, stop the Prometrium.
Also, I had terrible mood swings the day after I stopped taking it. Terrible terrible mood swings. So just be forewarned since I know other people talk about the infamous progesterone rages 🙂
Does anyone know if it’s okay to have intercourse while taking the suppositories? I’ve always assumed it wasn’t but recently a friend said it was….any input would be much appreciated!!
i am a 31yr old female,have one ovary,recently had a Dr. put me on prometrium because my progesterone level was 3 (low).Anyone in this situation who finally got pregnant.
I’m 6 wks, 5 days pregnant. I’m worried b/c my doctor prescribed me 200mg of progesterone orally because i told her i get occassional cramping in my middle lower real pain just a lot of discomfort more like it. I don’t hvae a history of miscarriage, and my menstual cycles were normal and regular. This is my first pregnancy. I wasn’t tested for progesterone level. Don’t even know how it is tested. I’m worried I’m taking it and it is not necessary. Pls help. Thanks.
On 3x vaginal insertion per OB/GYN (still waiting for our May RE appt. which was scheduled back in January! grrr) after low day 21 progesterone. Same instructions – start cycle day 16 and use until your period starts. So I will certainly be keeping an eye on the cycle days so I don’t end up at the hospital.
Reaction: immediate (same-day) abdominal bloating, gas, etc. Now on day 4, the bloat seems to have dissipated some.
A small complaint (and perhaps TMI): there’s liquid in the pill which does not absorb with the progesterone, so that comes out the only way it can. Pantyliners are a must with the vaginal insertion method.
I just want to say thank you for posting this – I thought my pharmacy made a mistake with the pills, but now I see from your post that the same pills are used orally and vaginally. You’ve put my mind at ease. Thank you.
I’m on a progesterone suppository that has got me all confused! My RE made a huge mistake last month and told me to start immediately after Aunt FLow left town…huge mistake. Had to wait 3 dpo, instead. So I did (although reading an OPK was not easy and I am not sure I did it correctly) here I am, 3 days after my expected period, and a negative HPT, but my basal body temps are still high. Soo…what now? Advice out there?
Anon–I don’t know if you’ll come back to check, but email me if you have other questions.
I would call your doctor and ask that they draw a beta hCG test to check for a pregnancy. If you are pregnant, you’ll keep taking the suppositories. If not, you’ll stop them and your period will come after a few days. The suppositories can keep your period from coming.
That was a quick reply! 🙂 I stopped taking them last night, convinced I was not pg. I had all sorts of symptoms last week, then nothing. Can my bbt reflect ‘leftover’ traces of progesterone though?
Could Prometrium mask any m/s symptoms? I have a history of early m/c(s). I am currently 6 weeks pregnant and have had fairly consistent cramping for the last 4 days, but have not spotted. I wasn’t sure if anyone knew if Prometrium would prevent spotting.
We are on our 3rd round of clomid with the trigger shot of HcG and IUI. Today was the IUI and I am to start the prometrium vaginally once at night and once in the morning until I take the test on the 26th to see if the IUI worked.
So my question is – was the REI OB right to perscribe this to me?? From what I read on web md it is a med that helps get your period or control it. How does this help with me getting pregnant?? I know the REI OB said something about lessening the chances of a miscarriage (I miscarried Oct 07 at 20 weeks) And it says not to take this med when pregnant?
I’m confused.
I used prometrium vaginally (200mg before bed) for the first time this last cycle and just a warning that some women can actually get their period despite being on the progesterone. Let me tell you that it’s unexpected when you were anticipating having to do hpts to figure out when to stop the pills.
I’m taking prometrium (orally) 2x/day because my mid-luteal phase progesterone was borderline (9.6). The night pill is fine, since I just go to bed, but the morning pill makes me so dizzy that I can’t get any work done. I’m hesitant to switch to insertion, because I don’t want to deal with the mess and hell it’s hard enough to feel sexy during IF even w/out this. Any suggestions?
I’ve been taking it vaginally for about 11 days now. My breasts have been extremely tender, ever since right before ovulation (I’m 12 dpo). Is this a result of the prometrium? Or something else? (Hoping for BFP in 3 days!)
I stopped taking it, and now haven't gotten a period. Anyone know how long its supposed to take to get a period? When should I worry?
I was put on Endometrium suppositories after my IVF cycle. After a week and a half, my husband and I tried to have sex and I felt a horrible burning sensation. We had a chemical pregnancy, and afterwards we stopped the suppositories. Now it has been several weeks after I stopped the progesterone and yet when we tried to have sex again I still felt some burning. Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas what to do?
Could this page be updated with some info about Endometrin? It seems to have some different side effects (spotting/bleeding), and I was definitely a little freaked when I saw it was a chalky pill similar to a very large Tylenol.
can you still have sex when taking Prometrium 200 vaginal???
to answer your question about having sex.. my doctor said you can have sex it will be just really messy. its best if you wait to put in the supository until after you have sex….
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Hi,, i just want to collect some ideas im 40 yrs old and i had my 3rd insimination last oct. 23, i inject ovidrel before the procedure and i had abdominal pain and my breast sore, until now i still feel a little pain in my lower abs. Is this normal? Im taking the prometrium 100 two times a day. And now i had a little it a sign of having my period? Pls help me understand.
Has anyone ever miscarried within a few hours of taking thier first dose of progesterone 200 mg orally? I took it to help NOT miscarry, and within a few hrs felt absolutely no more signs of pregnancy whatsoever after being 4 wks preg. Having more bloodwork done tom, but this is crazy. Was it just a coincidence??
Leah– how did your blood work go? I used vaginal supp last night at 6.3 weeks and woke up this morning to bleeding. Quite a bit, not bright red, kind of bright purple(?) Waiting to call ob when they open.
I have taken progesterone supps for three pregnancies, and just started it with a new one. I also took prometrium with a pg I miscarried.
Progesterone is helpful to keep a miscarriage from happening, but if a miscarriage does happen, it should not keep you pregnant with a missed miscarriage. Of course everyone is different, but that is the “norm”.
Jill……did you just start the supps? You are pretty far along to just be starting, that may be why its possible you woke to bleeding. I hope all is well.
Leah, the same thing happened to me! The day after I started taking the pills orally, my pregnancy symptoms disappeared!! Two days later my breasts are sore again, but I’m so worried that it’s from the pills, and not the pregnancy. Can anyone else shed some light on this? I’m going insane not knowing if my baby is ok! I’m 8 weeks today & have only been on the progesterone for 5 days.
Nicola what happened?
I’ve Miscarried 3 Times.
IM Pregnant Once Again, 8 Weeks & 5 Days;
My Doctor Called Today & Wants Me To Start On Vaginal Progesterone..
He Says My Low Progesterone Is The Cause Of My Miscarriages..
I’M Very Nervous Though.. I’ve Already Heard My Babys Hearts Beat, I Don’t Want Another Miscarriage..
Stephanie, how are you doing? I just started prog at 8 weeks and am very worried it is too late
Has anyone heard of having a unicornuate uterus and low progesterone? I’m suppose to start my suppositories once I peak on my opk but I do only have one Fallopian tube and finding it hard to determine when I’m peaking. Should I just start the progesterone around the time I should be peaking?
Stephanie, Lia and Shannon, what happened? am in the same situation and am supposed to be on it today? How did go with you ladies?
Am 8 weeks and my dr prescribed it to me together with magnesium. i had been cramping and spotting before seeing my dr.
Hey, I’m on progesterone 200 mg capsules and I have had my period three times this month and this is the only month I been Taking them can anybody help me?
I have been on Prometrium 200 mg. vaginally at night for 1.5 wks now after second IUI and had sex this morning and it was very painful with a lot of burning. Is this normal or has anyone experienced this? Also we used a lubricant so wondering if it was just the meds or a combo of both that caused this.
Thank you.
Hi! OMG i can’t thank u enough for posting this and describing the Crinone experience of cottage cheesiness hahaha i was wondering what it was and was kind of appalled! but you said it’s normal right? i wonder why it doesn’t get absorbed….
Hi, I am 37, and have a 10 day luteal phase. I am on my first month of prometrium. Today, Saturday, is 11 dpo. And, therefore, for me, one day late on period. My cycle is every 24 days. I can’t take blood test with doctor until Monday. Would it hurt to keep taking suppositories through Sunday night until blood test on Monday? It would seem I would want to take prometrium longer than 11 dpo anyway since my issue may be a short luteal phase. I do have some slight cramping like my period is trying to start. Thanks!
First application of progesterone suppository. Immediately hives came on my arms. Is this normal? Will it last the entire cycle of taking the medication.
CMG, are you allergic to eggs? You might be having an allergic reaction to the ingredients in the pill. I started mine yesterday. I am 8 weeks and 3 days. Very worried have to go back for another ultrasound on Wednesday. Most of you are bleeding BECAUSE of the low progesterone. That is why I was told i had been spotting.
is it possible that it can cause an allergic reaction to your partner after the intercourse…
ok I can tell you my story..although may not help. ive lost 2 about 6-7 week mark im on 3rd went today 9 weeks hb great and so far clearly still alive and where it shud be. I have been taking the progesterone vaginally..the second miscarriage I started around 5 weeks doc say 2x day I took it once…lost it. she said as soon as I got preg again start again then come see her I did.i take 2x a day this is hard cause I take nothing so afraid to lose this one I quit smoking have gained 40 pnds and going outta my tree.i know they did a test for my level I never did ask what it was.but seeing the u/s girl today we were talking and she said it cant hurt
that being said she is not the first to say its a good thing up until end of first trimester.i have had sex many times while taking it my hubby says he feels it and its kinda uncomfortable for him like sandpaper but as of yet it hasn’t hurt me or him.
for those of you who are afraid you can get a test ask your doc its just a blood test easy my question is I ran out !!they wont have till tues is that bad can you go hospital get shot or something ?
The progestrone pill I take says to not take if allergic to peanuts! Maybe that’s it? Any peanut allergies?
Pls letme know after keeping vaginal pill can we have sex after half n hour………
There are alternatives to the type of progesterone in the suppositories and supplements. You can ask for the kind in the oil…I want to say that it’s sesame oil, but I’m not sure. This will either need to be compounded for you if you’re near a pharmacy that will do this OR you’ll have to opt for the injections in the butt. Nothing pleasant about that, but I think we’d all jump through fiery hoops to get a health pregnancy going, right?
I’m not able to carry due to an endometrial ablation (no periods here) so we are doing an ER (egg retrieval) to be inserted into a GS (gestational surrogate). I’ve been found to have low progesterone levels but my RE (reproductive endocrinologist) doesn’t seem to think so. I was on bioidentical progesterone cream back in 2012 and felt amazing! BUT, my RE told me to stop it before my ER and both transfers failed. Again, my low progesterone symptoms have returned and when asked to get more cream, I was told NO! My RE told me it will affect my egg quality and future retrievals. I’m at odds……need some advice. I thought progesterone was important in the whole process and I figure I should be on it at all times even during the egg retrieval…..but what do I know?!
hello, im 5 weeks pregnant. first time and no history of m/c but because i experience some minor crampings. the doctor wanted me to start taking progesterone 200mg orally. is this safe? please help. also she started me on supp for a yeast infection. on the second day, it was a bit painful when i inserted it and now im having slight spotting. should i be worried? i would really appreciate your help. thanks!!!
Thank you so much for your post! I was beginning to think I was doing something wrong or that it wasn’t working. Again thank you for sharing!
thank u to all of u… im going to start progesterone tonight n have lots of questions in my mind.. but through all ur posts i know almost everything now… thank u sooo much
Hey did anybody continue to have sore heavy breasts 10 days after leaving progesterone suppository? I had a short period right when af was due so then i stopped taking the pill. It was my first cycle of iui and progesterone suppository.
Hello ladies! I’ve had 4 miscarriages and one successful pregnancy. With our daughter, my progesterone levels plummeted and doc immediately started me on Prometrium. Now that we’re trying for baby #2, doc wants me to start the Prometrium before we even get pregnant. Going to insert pill after intercourse. Thanks for the post ladies…..ugh why am I so nervous!!