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Barren Bitches Book Brigade–Tour #2

The best part about an online book club? That people can participate whenever they have time and the mood strikes. Too busy at work right now? Drop out for this book. Didn’t feel like reading an adoption book? No problem–join in on this one if it appeals to you. In the interest of making this as inclusive as possible, I have an idea for a book that has been translated into numerous languages and is old enough to be at most libraries. So on that note, I’d like to throw out an idea for the next book selection–Children of Men by P.D. James.


Before you protest because you’ve seen those god-awful trailers for the movie (um…though if you’re going to protest that you turn to movies and books to escape therefore watching a movie or reading a book about infertility isn’t really an “escape”…well…you can keep protesting because I don’t really have a way around that factor), I’ve heard that the book is very different from the movie.

Josh read an interesting review in the New York Times comparing the book Children of Men by P. D. James to the current film. Apparently, unlike the film, the book doesn’t treat infertility and loss as a side plot only interesting in how it speaks to the future of mankind. Caryn James writes: “Ms. James creates a beautifully realized world, making fine points the film has no time for: childless women push dolls in baby carriages, and couples hold christening ceremonies after the births of kittens.”

Frankly, I would love to hear the thoughts of fellow stirrup queens and sperm palace jesters. Who better to bring deeper understanding to a book about infertility than men and women who have actually gone through the experience? Anyone else up to reading and blogging about the book version of Children of Men?

Here’s how it would work:

(1) leave a comment or send me an email (thetowncriers@gmail.com) saying that you’re interested in participating.

(2) like the first tour, I will compile and post a list of participants so people will know who is participating and where to go to read other reviews on “post day” (March 5). You can add yourself to the list up until February 27.

(3) read the book by February 27 (a little more than 6 weeks).

(4) create a single question that would kick off a discussion (in other words, any question that leads to more than a “yes” or “no” answer where someone can express their opinion) and mail it to me on February 27th (or any time beforehand).

(5) on February 28th, I will post the list of possible questions. Everyone will choose 5 questions off the list and answer them in a blog entry (if we only have 5 participants, we’ll all be answering the same questions. If there are more questions, we’ll have more variation on the blog entries because people will choose to answer different questions).

(6) on March 5, everyone will post their entry. I will post my answers too and a reminder that it’s post day so people can go around and read the entries and comment. I think it will lead to an interesting discussion because even if people haven’t read the book, they may have seen the movie and can still comment. Plus, the book speaks to the experience of infertility/loss.

Okay, so online book clubs have the disadvantage that we can’t get out of the house and see each other face-to-face. BUT you get to participate whenever you have time during the day rather than a set hour. And you can blog from the comfort of your living room while wearing pyjamas. And how else can you have a book club that spans from Singapore to Washington, D.C.?

Let me know if you want in on this book tour. And start thinking ahead–what does everyone want to read for book tour #3? Plus, an interview with Elizabeth Swire Falker later this week!


1 baggage { 01.13.07 at 8:16 pm }

Ok, I am going to do it this time. I won’t drop out at the last minute either!! I’ll go get the book this weekend.

2 Anonymous { 01.13.07 at 9:32 pm }

I would like to join in too! Thanks

3 Anonymous { 01.13.07 at 9:34 pm }

Wishing and Waiting at ncd112.blogspot.com the link didn’t seem to work.

4 Karen M { 01.13.07 at 10:22 pm }

I think I’d like to try it this time. Thanks!

5 Anonymous { 01.14.07 at 11:04 am }

Count me in. 🙂

6 Jessica { 01.14.07 at 12:05 pm }

I’m game!

7 TeamWinks { 01.14.07 at 6:01 pm }

I would join, but I have a tremendous amount of “home work.” Can’t wait to read everybody’s reviews!!!

8 Anonymous { 01.14.07 at 6:22 pm }

I would like to participate in this one – should definitely be able to finish this in 6 weeks (especially with my new reading craze!).

9 Ms.Once { 01.14.07 at 11:16 pm }

I’m in with both feet.

10 Anonymous { 01.15.07 at 4:58 pm }

Oooh…..me me me me! (waving hands enthusiastically)

I’m in! I was going to actually get this book anyway, so now I have some friends to discuss this with-yay!

11 sami { 01.16.07 at 2:13 pm }

I have been a lurker, but this will inspire me to become a poster (is that grammatically correct?)

I would like to join in too! Thanks!

12 The Town Criers { 01.16.07 at 10:05 pm }

Hey, Sami. Send me a link to your blog so I can add it to the post.

13 Anonymous { 01.17.07 at 6:56 pm }

I’d love to participate. It sounds like a really interesting book.

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