Marching With the Barren Bitches Book Brigade–Tour Three
Wanted to take a moment to post the master list for the third tour of the Barren Bitches Book Club. Not on the list? Anyone in the infertility/pregnancy loss/adoption/parenting-after-infertility/assisted conception community (as well as all other related groups that I inadvertently forgot) can join–all you need is a blog (and you can set one up for free via Blogger).
Now that we’re up to two male participants, they either need to become exceedingly bitchy or we need to add to the book tour name…
Book: The Time Traveler’s Wife
Author: Audrey Niffenegger
Start Date: March 6th
Question Due: April 11th
All Questions Listed: April 12th
Post Date: April 16th
(need an explanation of how a book tour works? Click here to go to a list of posts on the past book tours.)
Barren Bitches Book Brigade List (click on any of the links below on April 16th to take you to a stop on this book tour. Jump from post to post to read a plethora of opinions and thoughts on The Time Traveler’s Wife. I will keep adding to this list until 11 p.m. on April 11th. The list is currently open)
Stirrup Queens and Sperm Palace Jesters (Melissa)
The Annex (Josh)
Sticky Feet (Jamie)
In Search of Biscuit 2.0 (Little Angel Kisses)
Carrying On (Katherine)
My Journey Towards My Little Miracle (Sunny)
Wishing and Waiting (Nicole)
A Somewhat Ordinary Life (Amy)
Our Own Creation (AMS)
Vanilla Dreams (Vanilla)
The Tragic Optimist (Ann)
Chris posting on The Tragic Optimist (Ann’s Husband, Chris)
Serenity Now! (Serenity)
Fertility Musings (Rachel)
My Perky Ovaries (Karen)
Coming 2 Terms (Pamela)
Beaten But Not Bowed (The Drowned Girl)
Kir’s Corner (Kir)
PCOS Baby (Erin)
King Baby (Jessica)
Hell or High Water (Starfish)
Southern Infertility (Samantha)
Infertile Fantasies (Bea)
The Oneliner (Christina)
Not on the list and want to join? Drop me an email at You can add yourself up until 11 p.m. on April 11th.
How the book tour works:
(1) leave a comment or send me an email ( saying that you’re interested in participating.
(2) read The Time Traveler’s Wife by April 11th.
(3) create a single question that would kick off a discussion (in other words, any question that leads to more than a “yes” or “no” answer where someone can express their opinion) and mail it to me on April 11th (or any time beforehand). I will send you a reminder email close to the date. Click here to see sample questions from tour #2.
(4) on April 12th, I will post the list of possible questions. Everyone will choose 5 questions off the list and answer them in a blog entry.
(5) on April 16th, everyone will post their entry. I will post my answers too and an entry about post day so people can go around and read the entries and comment (start a discussion back and forth in the comments section). Reading the entries and commenting on the posts is the best part of the tour–by the end of the week, you should have a comment from every participant (and maybe even a few new permanent blog readers).
This is defeating me. Bookshops have sold out, the library’s waiting list doesn’t seem to be getting shorter – I’m beginning to wish I’d ordered it from amazon right at the beginning. I’ll be reading it halfway through tour number five, I can tell. Maybe I should just start working on the next tours…
The Novel: The Waiting Womb, by Jill Sayre has received positve reviews.
Please visit Jill’s website;
This book is just amazing!!
I was so excited when I saw this. I thought, this is the book that I just finished yesterday, all in one sitting, for my book club! I can participate this time! Then I realized — “The Time Traveler’s Wife.” I read “The Memory Keeper’s Daughter.” Um – close, but no cigar, as they say. (But a very interesting book about parenthood and loss – for another book tour, perhaps.)