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Read Along: Barren Bitches Book Tour #6–Group A

Welcome to the sixth tour of the Barren Bitches Book Brigade–a book club from the comfort of your own living room. Grab a cup of coffee and start clicking away at the links below.

Just to explain, this book club is entirely online and open to anyone (male or female) in the infertility/pregnancy loss/assisted conception/adoption/parenting-after-infertility world (as well as any other related category I inadvertently left off the list). It is called a book tour because everyone reads the same book and then poses a question to the group. Participants choose a few questions to answer and then post their response on their blog. Readers can jump from blog to blog, commenting along the way.

Book: Love and Other Impossible Pursuits
Author: Ayelet Waldman
Start Date: July 19th
Post Dates: September 17 and 18
(need an explanation of how a book tour works? Click here to go to a list of posts on the past book tours.)

Barren Bitches Book Brigade List (click on any of the links below to take you to a stop on this book tour. Jump from post to post to read a plethora of opinions and thoughts on Love and Other Impossible Pursuits. We’ve broken down the current tour into two groups. A new list will be posted tomorrow).

Group A:

The Annex (Josh)
Twisted Ovaries (Vanessa)
Kicking You From the Inside (Kate)
Southern Infertility (Samantha)
All Things Deb (Deb)
Beaten But Not Bowed (Drowned Girl)
Still Passing Open Windows (Carlynn)
Weebles Wobblog (Lori)
Waiting for …? (Amy)

Even if you haven’t read Love and Other Impossible Pursuits, you can still add your own thoughts on the blog tour or react to someone else’s critique.

Like the idea of being in a book club without leaving your living room? The next book for book tour #7 is Happiness Sold Separately by Lolly Winston. The author, Lolly Winston, will be reading along too for this tour and it will be possible to ask her questions about the book.

The Details: Tour #7 will start September 19th. Participants will read Happiness Sold Separately by Lolly Winston. On Wednesday, October 24th everyone will send one question based on the book (to get a sense of questions, click here to see the questions sent for book tour #2) to thetowncriers@gmail.com. I will compile the questions into lists that will be emailed out to you on October 25th. Everyone will choose 3 questions from the list and answer them on their own blog on October 29th or 30th (we will break up into two smaller groups and you can choose which day works best for you when the date gets closer). Each day of the tour, I’ll also post a master list and people can jump from blog to blog, reading and commenting on the book tour.

If you would like to sign up to participate in book tour #7, leave a comment below or send me an email at thetowncriers@gmail.com. I need the title and a link to your blog as well as an email address where you’d like the two or three book club emails sent. If a spouse wants to participate too and he/she doesn’t have their own blog, have them set up a blog solely for book tours (as we did with the Annex) and send me a link to that blog. And if you’re a reader without a blog, now is a great time to set up a space for yourself on Blogger. People will be able to find brand-spanking-new blogs because they will be on the book tour’s participant list. Want to participate but live overseas and want to order many books at once in order to save on shipping? The next few tours are always listed on my side bar under the book icon. Happy reading.

And speaking of which…the time is coming soon to choose the next few books. Start thinking about future choices and I’ll post a running list soon so people can put it to a vote.


1 Kristen { 09.17.07 at 7:51 am }

I have 2 suggestions for upcoming book tours:

1. Tick Tock by Dr. Lillian Schapiro

2. Almost Perfect by Dianne Blacklock

I’ve been wanting to read both and this would give me the perfect opportunity. I adore these book tours!

2 Kristen { 09.17.07 at 7:55 am }

Oh, and here’s another one:

Baby Trail by Sinead Moriarty – looks cute!

3 nancy { 09.17.07 at 11:03 am }

Mel – Seriously! When do you get time to read? I know what all on your plate! Wait, I don’t really. I do know you have children, as I do too and you even update your site all the time. Okay, so you are a writer and writing comes easily to you, but you still have to go and type it all! And read. And make lists.

Bottom line is I wish I could read a book. I CAN read a book, I guess I should point that out, but I wish I had TIME to read a book. Between working full time, the 2 children I’m beyond lucky to have, Roller Derby, heck, I’m lucky to get through the latest “In Style” in the bathroom before the next one comes out!

4 candy { 09.17.07 at 8:24 pm }

i want in! i bought “happiness sold separately” today. and i read “baby trail” a few years ago – great recommendation. i can’t wait! i’ll email you my info now.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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