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Circle Time: The Show and Tell Weekly Thread

Welcome back to Show and Tell. Everyone is welcome to join, even if you have never posted before and just found out about Show and Tell for the first time today. In fact, we hope you do go back to your blog and post your own Show and Tell item and then return with the link to your post. Details on how to participate are located at the bottom of this post.

Let’s begin.

This week I am showing a pair of shoes times two.

Once, when we were in Paris, we were invited out to dinner by family friends who also mentioned that we would be going to an art opening. Josh warned me that dinner would most likely be a formal affair and I should dress accordingly. I had a little black velvet cocktail dress to wear but the shoes I brought were scuffed. We decided to swing by La Samaritaine and each purchase new dress shoes.

I immediately fell in love with these–they were my first pair of three-inch mary janes.

We walked over from our hotel in St. Germain to their apartment which was about 15 minute walk. By the time we reached their apartment, I was in a small amount of pain from wearing these brand-new three-inch heels, but they suggested that we walk to the art opening instead of hailing a cab since it was a beautiful night. They told us it was by Notre Dame.

So I limped over to Notre Dame, my feet throbbing and a small cut opening underneath my ankle bone where the unbroken shoes were rubbing against bare skin. We passed the church and kept walking. And walking. And walking. And over a half hour after we passed the church, we finally came to this tiny studio where they had mounted a few pictures on the wall and were serving wine in plastic glasses. Josh and I were in so much pain that we could barely breathe.

After ten minutes of small talk with the owners, we left and began walking again to a small Moroccan restaurant nearby. I may not have wanted to show up in jeans, but a casual skirt would have been more than acceptable. I was extremely overdressed for the restaurant. I sat there, trying not to vomit from the pain that was now radiating all the way up my legs. Both ankles were bleeding.

When we left the restaurant, the family friends suggested we walk back since it was such a beautiful evening, but Josh had the good sense to tell them that we would take the metro back to our hotel. We limped back up our street, shoes in hand, not caring if we were walking barefoot through other people’s weekend revelry vomit. That was how much pain we were in. It affected the rest of the trip even though we spent the week in sensible shoes and bandaids.

When we got back to America, Josh had a jeweler make me this necklace–a replica of each of our shoes.

We still use the other couple’s last name as our personal term for anything that may seem like a good idea at the time but has the potential to bite us in the ass.

What are you showing today?

Other People Standing at the Head of the Class:

  1. Weebles Wobblog
  2. Life After Infertility and Loss
  3. I Think I Hear Your Mother Calling
  4. Lupus Pie
  5. Fertilized
  6. So These are the Days of My Life
  7. Life from Here
  8. Coming2Terms
  9. I Won’t Fear Love
  10. I’m a Smart One
  11. My Sanctuary
  12. The Only Constant is Change
  13. The Life and Times of Me
  14. Imagine Alyzabeth An
  15. Kore Chronicles
  16. Of Love and Loss
  17. Sean and Mary’s Family
  18. Spuddy Buddy
  19. The Therapist is In
  20. Busted Babymaker
  21. Bloorb This!
  22. Tales of the Phoenix
  23. Hurry Up n Wait
  24. Clumsy Kisses
  25. Bee Bangbage
  26. The Promise of Our Love
  27. There’s Hope
  28. Stop the Train, I Wanna Get Off…
  29. Who Shot My Stork
  30. Mommy Sparklykatt
  31. Fumbling T
    owards Eggstacy
  32. What Wuz I Saying
  33. Fractured Rainbows
  34. In Search of Biscuit 2.0
  35. Kir’s Corner
  36. Age 30 – A Year of Books
  37. Working on It (invite-only site)
  38. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere Storkey, Storkey
  39. Worth it All
  40. A Woman My Age
  41. Adventures [in]Fertility Wonderland
  42. Yes, you…over there in the back row…are you ready? It’s your turn…

Want to bring something to Show and Tell?

  • If you would like to join circle time and show something to the class, simply post each Sunday (or earlier in the weekend or on Monday if you can’t do Sunday), hopefully including a picture if possible, and telling us about your item. It can be anything–a photo from a trip, a picture of the dress you bought this week, a random image from an old yearbook showing a person you miss. It doesn’t need to contain a picture if you can’t get a picture–you can simply tell a story about a single item.
  • Label your post “Show and Tell” each week and then come back here and add the permalink in the comments section below (make sure you don’t just comment that you participated: add a link to your blog in your comment so people can click over). I post a new Show and Tell post every Saturday night or Sunday. I usually move people up into the body of the post every few hours.
  • Oh, and then the point is that you click through all of your classmates and see what they are showing this week.
  • If you want it…
    I’ve now placed a Show and Tell archive on the sidebar that will be updated each week in case you miss it. And click here for the icon code if you wish to have it for your blog. It links to the archives.


1 Mrs. Spit { 05.31.08 at 7:19 pm }

What a great story, and I love that you have the necklace to remind you.

2 Lori { 05.31.08 at 7:42 pm }

Ooh, oooh! Pick me!


Josh is so dang thoughtful.

It’s cool that you have a secret code name.

3 JuliaS { 05.31.08 at 7:58 pm }

LOVE it! The shoes AND the necklace – what a great memory and way to remember! Josh sounds like a total romantic. **sigh** I love how you came up with your own term for something we all experience in one way or another from time to time.

My turn!

4 Sunny { 05.31.08 at 8:05 pm }

I love the story and necklace. Josh is so sweet!

5 SarahSews { 05.31.08 at 8:18 pm }

I just really laughed out loud at that story! And I love that you use their last name as the code for things that might bite you in the ass! LOVE it. 🙂

And I totally imagined doing the walk with you. It all sounds lovely and romantic until your legs ache and your feet are killing you… Ah Paris. 🙂

6 Manda { 05.31.08 at 8:23 pm }

Officially standing at the head of the class and waiting for reactions.


7 luna { 05.31.08 at 8:26 pm }

I don’t know how the parisien women do it. they are incredible! I can picture every step of your journey — so glad josh had the sense to hope the metro back. and I LOVE the memento and the code name! great story!

I’ll post my s-n-t later and be back with the link. but I’ll tell you right now it won’t be as fun a nice (or not so nice) walk down memory lane like yours…

8 DC { 05.31.08 at 8:40 pm }

I LOVE your story AND your Mary Janes AND your necklace! Great Show and Tell!! 🙂

For my very-first-ever Show and Tell, I am bustin’ out a few wedding pics! Here’s the link:



9 Fertilized { 05.31.08 at 8:43 pm }

That is a very funny story

10 Fertilized { 05.31.08 at 9:08 pm }

That is the neatest Idea.

Count me in:

11 luna { 05.31.08 at 9:30 pm }

I forgot to ask if you still wear those shoes, now that they’re broken in and all…

here’s mine this week:

12 Veronica { 05.31.08 at 9:35 pm }

Fab story!! BTW – Thanks for doing the whole NaComLeavMo thing. It’s been fun.

13 Kim { 05.31.08 at 9:52 pm }

Great story! Sorry about the lack of comments. I was just thinking how I have been commenting my little fingers off and how I miss coming here! I did manage to leave a comment on every blog this week (well except for 57, 84, and 137 – they are protected so I wasn’t able to leave a comment there, I hope it still counts!)- and return some more! Since you were first on the list, it has been a while! Just think you are first on the my list yet again! I need to do my show and tell! Be back!

14 Julia { 05.31.08 at 11:46 pm }

That’s a way cool necklace that makes the story all kinds of extra cool. And I hear you on that pain– I am size 6W, so shoe shopping is always fun, as is breaking in new shoes. Also, my favorite pair of black sandals broke recently, leaving me very very sad on the shoe front.

I am playing again this week: http://wontfearlove.blogspot.com/2008/06/show-and-tell-sunday-time-lapse.html
Thanks for the impetus.

15 m { 06.01.08 at 4:53 am }

What a fabulous story!!! And I do love a pair of Mary Janes.

My S&T is up:

16 Alyson & Ford { 06.01.08 at 4:53 am }

Ooooo so painful – awful!! Sounds slightly similar to my stories about painful shoes! Now I only wear sandals (flipflops daily or dressy sandals for night-time). No more “heel” problems!
I never got a beautiful present like you did – what a really sweet hubby!

Count me in another week of S&T.

Alyson LID 01/27/06 IA China

17 VA Blondie { 06.01.08 at 5:15 am }

I love your story about the shoes.

I wanna be next!


18 Sam { 06.01.08 at 5:49 am }

That story sounds painful!!! What is it about us women and shoes!!

Here is my link for this week’s show and tell!

19 xavier2001 { 06.01.08 at 8:02 am }

I love your story, and Josh is just so sweet!!

Ok, I actually participated this week, aren’t you proud!!!

Ok, now I’m going back to *lurking*

20 korechronicles { 06.01.08 at 6:12 am }

Great show and tell, the little shoes are fabulous

It’s not just gorgeous shoes that can do that to you. My walking partner once wore a brand new pair of trainers on our morning walk and a piece of errant plastic under the lining brought up ginormous blisters. She walked in her socks for a while then had to go barefoot. She could not walk for ten days.

My show and tell is up at:


21 korechronicles { 06.01.08 at 6:13 am }

PS The big shoes are fabulous too. Somehow I deleted the rest of that sentence without noticing!

22 Panamahat { 06.01.08 at 6:38 am }

I love the show and tell idea. Maybe I will get onto it when NCLM is over – all this reading and commenting is wearing me out!

Those shoes looked so beautiful. And then I read your story, and they took a more sinister turn. Great writing.

One more thing: how do you find the time to do all this online work? I so envy you. 🙂

23 Queenie. . . { 06.01.08 at 7:32 am }

I LOVE that he had the necklace made, and I LOVE that you continue to use the couple’s name to refer to a situation. That’s such a riot.

24 Samantha { 06.01.08 at 7:38 am }

The necklace is too precious! I also love the secret code name you now use to avoid those, “it seemed like a good idea at the time” situation!

25 Lauren { 06.01.08 at 7:42 am }

I loved that story!! The necklace is such a great reminder.

Here’s my first show and tell.


26 donna { 06.01.08 at 8:04 am }

What a great story! I love the charms too.

Here’s my show and tell for the week

27 E_Sharp { 06.01.08 at 8:06 am }

Ahhh Paris, the city of lights (and bloodied feet).
At the very least, you weren’t walking around the streets of ButtUgly, USA.
And how sweet of your husband to make a necklace out of the experience.

28 Busted { 06.01.08 at 8:24 am }

That necklace is adorable! What a great story.

I just posted mine for the week.

29 JamieD { 06.01.08 at 8:31 am }

That is a great story!! And I love you and your husband’s sense of humor about it. How is it that the cuteness of shoes is directly related to the amount of pain they will cause while walking?

Here is mine for today:


30 chicklet { 06.01.08 at 9:26 am }

I’m in, here: http://www.bloorb.com/2008/06/share-n-tellin-it.html

And the fact that Josh had the necklace made is my favorite part of the story – he’s a keeper.

31 Candid Engineer { 06.01.08 at 9:50 am }

What a thoughtful necklace! A cute way to remember a painful (but hopefully funny in retrospect) experience.

32 dcsw { 06.01.08 at 10:25 am }

I just found your NaComLeavMo from another blog and wanted to say what a great idea I think that is!

Hope you do it again soon.


33 Phoebe { 06.01.08 at 11:11 am }

What a great story! I love the momento that Josh made!

I have a little show and tell this week, just dipping my toe in the water, so to speak…


34 Anita { 06.01.08 at 2:07 pm }

I cried when I say the photo of your necklace. Josh has to be the most thoughtful person ever!

Here’s my first Show and Tell. http://hurryupnwait.ca/?p=98

This is such a great idea Mel.

35 Rebecca { 06.01.08 at 2:35 pm }

I’m here 🙂

That necklace is awfully cute!

36 Magpie { 06.01.08 at 3:34 pm }

the necklace is divine.

37 momofonefornow { 06.01.08 at 5:34 pm }

I love the idea of the shoe pendants. Very thoughtful!

Here is my link. I love nclm and I love show and tell.

38 Sarah Barah { 06.01.08 at 4:20 pm }

I love that you still have the shoes. I hope they don’t hurt so much anymore.

Thanks for the motivation to post today. Here’s my contribution.

39 thepromiseofourlove { 06.01.08 at 5:05 pm }
40 Amy { 06.01.08 at 5:24 pm }

I love your story! It seems like something I would do!

And though I’m late, I have
Show and Tellup!

41 Io { 06.01.08 at 6:00 pm }

I’m late, I’m late! I’ve got mine up now.

42 Io { 06.01.08 at 6:01 pm }

Opps, I pressed publish too quickly…
Those shoe charms are one of the sweetest/coolest things I have ever seen. And the shoes are cute.

43 Katt { 06.01.08 at 6:14 pm }

Here I am, two weeks in a row. Whoo hooo!


44 HeidiM { 06.01.08 at 8:31 pm }

I LOVE the Mary Janes! Makes me want to shoe shop now!

A bit late in the day but here’s my contribution:
Fumbling Towards Eggstacy Show and Tell #3

45 Kim { 06.01.08 at 8:36 pm }
46 Arian { 06.01.08 at 9:55 pm }

Better late than never! Especially for my first show and tell…

Fractured Rainbows

47 Stacie { 06.01.08 at 10:58 pm }

Hi, Mel. Could you add me to the list? I am pretty proud of my show and tell. 🙂


48 SarahSews { 06.01.08 at 11:06 pm }

Happy Birthday Mel!!!!

49 Helen { 06.02.08 at 4:21 am }

Just whizzing in to say Happy Birthday, babe!

50 BethH6703 { 06.02.08 at 6:22 am }

Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Countess VonSna-a-atch!
Happy Birthday to You!

(and thank your lucky stars that the only singing you’re getting from me is of the virtual type – cuz me singing? makes for a MUCH LESS Happy Birthday!)

Have a super-duper-fan-frickin-taboulous day!

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
The contents of this website are protected by applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved by the author