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White House Christmas Decoration Countdown: 4 Days

Counting down the days to Christmas with a daily morning post containing a photograph of the White House Christmas decorations.  Have no clue why someone Jewish is doing this or how I got all these pictures — read the first post.

Fruit decorations in the Red Room.

1 comment

1 Chickenpig { 12.22.12 at 8:07 am }

I’m not feeling the fruit decorations. Too…..wasteful. In a time where so many people in this country are going without, decorating with food, even fake food is a little distasteful. My mother was a teacher and manager at Head Start, and they weren’t allowed to make collages with beans, pasta, and other food products anymore because it was a slap in the face to kids who had no food.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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