639th Friday Blog Roundup
Tomorrow is a Pyjamas Day. Every once in a while, I write Pyjamas Day on the calendar, and that day is held as sacred. Nothing can be scheduled on that day. No one can visit. The point is to sleep until you wake up and then lounge around the house all day doing pretty much nothing.
I put this Pyjamas Day on the calendar a few weeks ago, and events threatened to derail it at every turn. People kept asking us to schedule things on that day, but I held firm. No, I could not do anything on that day no matter how interesting or important. Did they understand that I needed to spend 24 hours in a manky old University of Wisconsin sweatshirt and non-matching sweatpants?
So that’s what I’m doing starting at midnight tonight. See you on the other side.
Part of why I need a Pyjamas Day is that we’re attempting a bathroom renovation. We had a slow leak that destroyed the tile, and in replacing the tile, we also sort of need to replace the vanity. We’ve been putting this off for months… cough… years… because (1) I hate to decorate or make any sort of decision about my living space, (2) cost, and (3) a lack of desire to have the work take place and disrupt my life.
But we’re doing it. We’re attempting to pull all the necessary pieces into place. I told Josh that I wanted to go with a steampunk theme. He informed me that he has no clue what this means. “Like… aviator goggles over the toilet?” No. No, Josh. What I mean is that I will find a bunch of things that remind me of Doctor Who, and we will pee next to a vanity with gear-shaped drawer pulls, lit by a fixture that has Edison bulbs encased in cages. THAT is what I mean.
Wish us luck.
Stop procrastinating. Go make your backups. Don’t have regrets.
Seriously. Stop what you’re doing for a moment. It will take you fifteen minutes, tops. But you will have peace of mind for days and days. It’s the gift to yourself that keeps on giving.
As always, add any new thoughts to the Friday Backup post and peruse new comments in order to find out about methods, plug-ins, and devices that help you quickly back up your data and accounts.
And now the blogs…
But first, second helpings of the posts that appeared in the open comment thread last week. In order to read the description before clicking over, please return to the open thread:
- “Seven Months” (With Every Heartbeat)
- “Three Steps to Banish Negative Thoughts” (No Kidding in NZ)
- “In the End” (The Road Less Travelled)
Okay, now my choices this week.
Searching for Our Silver Lining has a eulogy for a dog that contains a really profound thought: “It’s easy to eulogize those that fit into the ideal. The popular ones that check off all the right boxes, giving the imagine of a life out of a storybook … But the truth is we all have our flaws and faults; our skeletons we wish to hide from the world.” It’s the story of loving and respecting a difficult dog. And, damnit, she made me cry.
Lavender Luz has a post looking at whether something is good luck or bad luck using a story to illustrate the grey nature of everything. We never know what our “bad luck” has saved us from, turning secretly into “good luck” in disguise.
With Every Heartbeat has a post about loneliness stemming from that moment when you realize that you are not happy whereas everyone else around you has found what they’re looking for in life. She writes: “Their lives are working out as they’d planned, dreamed, hoped, worked so hard for and then there’s you and your broken life, unfolding as a nightmare, in tatters, despite everything.” It is a post about wondering if you’ll ever smile fully again.
Days of Grace has a post about releasing herself from infertility. She points to the moment, saying, “The end of infertility. It finally can’t hurt me anymore.” I don’t know if I’ve hit that point yet — where it can’t hurt me anymore — but I love that idea of release.
Lastly, Look No Tubes has a post about going to her transfer alone. I want people to read this post because it was so stressful, which may be an odd thing to say. But what I mean is that it highlights the truth for anyone who has thought, “Oh, you can always do IVF.” Sure, it is an option, but it isn’t easy. People should know that before they suggest it.
The roundup to the Roundup: Pyjamas Day. Steampunk bathroom. Your weekly backup nudge. And lots of great posts to read. So what did you find this week? Please use a permalink to the blog post (written between March 17th and 24th) and not the blog’s main url. Not understanding why I’m asking you what you found this week? Read the original open thread post here.
Well, if you’re feeling crafty, I may know a place (my basement) where you might be able to get a bunch of pocket watch parts to make your own steampunk art… (The husband buys, sells, and works on antique
pocket watches.)
Happy Pyjamas Day! What a fabulous idea. Hope you will share with us the best bits of bathroom brilliance when it’s done : )
Here’s a post from Glow in the Woods I liked about how music and poetry help gets us through the pain and help us remember.
We’re having a pyjama day here today too. Even though the weather is nice and sunny out and we should really take advantage of it and go for a walk.
We were up early and got a casserole going in the slow cooker, we cleaned out our pet rats, vacuumed and got a wash on, oh and I set up a printer. I think we’ve earned the right to chill in our jammies and watch Lord of the Rings.
How is Pyjamas Day going? I think that sounds like a delightful idea.
I don’t think I’ve ever peed in a steampunk bathroom. I’ll have to plan another visit.
Thanks for the inclusion in the Roundup!
Thanks very much for the shout out! I am about to read the other posts.
Inspired by your post, we had an impromptu pj day today. It was glorious. Crafts and books and baking with my family. Just what we needed.