Dots and Stripes
One of the rooms at the Yayoi Kusama exhibit is a series of enormous pink blow-up balls covered in black polka dots.
Kusama really loves polka dots — they are everywhere in the exhibit including the final white room that is covered in colourful polka dot stickers.
And you know what — I don’t. I don’t love polka dots. Given the choice between polka dots and stripes, I would take stripes almost every single time*.
Which are you? Dots or stripes?
* The one exception is the shower curtain in the twins’ bathroom. It has dots in vibrant shades of blue against a white background. I really like it. Not enough to put it in my own bathroom. In ours? We have stripes.
I like dots and stripes! If I had to choose it would have to be stripes or half my shirts would be gone – although I suspect that’s only because there are more stripey shirts around.
Please, don’t make me choose.
For me it isn’t just stripes or dots but color combo and ratio of negative space to filled space. I think scale matters too.
I’m a polka dot person, but I can see how these are polarizing
I like polka dots. But they also seem little kid-ish to me. I don’t like either one for myself.
I love both. Polka dots a little more than stripes, but I really both.
I love dots. I like stripes. But I prefer stripes on clothing (I still like dots, but not as much as stripes) and dots on decorative items.
I would take stripes over polka dots. I can live with polka dots, if they are in a pattern, otherwise they are distracting as I keep trying to find the blasted pattern.
Stripes, I guess. I don’t have any polka dot clothing at all.
My skirt has both today…
Stripes, if I had to choose. I don’t think I have anything against polka dots, but a lot would depend on the colours & the size of the dots. I certainly have more striped clothing than polka dotted 😉 (although I do have a white top with small black dots on it).
When I was about 12 years old, I made myself a long polka-dot skirt (navy with white dots) as a 4-H sewing project. My mother told me I looked like a Hutterite (!).
I’m a stripes girl all the way. My closet is full of striped shirts, I have pants with teeny tiny vertical stripes, my shower curtain has stripes as do my towels. Polka dots only look good on Ladybugs!
I don’t have a lot of either but I have one dress with big polka dots that is very pretty. It has a 60s, pop art feel.
I could not choose. I like both! However, I tend to like my polka dots tiny or small. I’m not a big fan of big dots.
I’d never thought about it before, but I think I prefer roundness to linearness. So I’ll take polka dots over stripes, but only by a little.