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651st Friday Blog Roundup

I am not normally (1) a napper or (2) into crystals, but I want to take a nap on a $75/half hour crystal bed.  I want to awaken in a perfect state by lying down on what amounts to “a baby bouncer for adults.”  I could do without a pine-scented eye mask — I really don’t like the smell of pine needles — but if they had one that was the scent of sunscreen?  And the sounds were beach sounds?  And the cost wasn’t $75?  I would be all over that.

Maybe I just want a nap.  Period.  I am feeling really burned out and could use a few hours of down time.

Which makes it sound like that old commercial for Polly-o string cheese.  I want a nap on a crystal bed.  But hold the pine-scented mask.  And hold the vibrating crystals.  Hey, Jimmy, give this girl a nap with nothing.  Nuttin’?

Yeah, like just a nap.


Stop procrastinating.  Go make your backups.  Don’t have regrets.

Seriously.  Stop what you’re doing for a moment.  It will take you fifteen minutes, tops.  But you will have peace of mind for days and days.  It’s the gift to yourself that keeps on giving.

As always, add any new thoughts to the Friday Backup post and peruse new comments in order to find out about methods, plug-ins, and devices that help you quickly back up your data and accounts.


And now the blogs…

But first, second helpings of the posts that appeared in the open comment thread last week.  In order to read the description before clicking over, please return to the open thread:

  • None… sniff.

Okay, now my choices this week.

No Kidding in NZ has a post about Mother’s Day (and by extension, Father’s Day).  She writes, “There was, of course, the usual onslaught on social media, as there is today for Father’s Day, where the curse of social media is that people seem to place importance on being seen to recognise their parents or partners. I will admit that I was a bit fed up that my normal feeds this morning were clogged up with northern hemisphere people cheerfully wishing their fathers or husbands a good day, and even resented* those people who tagged on wishes for ‘those who find today hard,’ and wondered why, if they acknowledge that today is hard for some people, do they post about it at all?”  Additionally, in a world that marks the same idea on different days on the calendar, social media means you’re living it again and again and again.

My Path to Mommyhood writes about telling people that she’s not adopting.  She’s doing it slowly, and she’s doing it with a lot of justification, feeling like she needs to explain their decision to stop their family building plans.  In trying to protect her heart, she’s causing herself more stress.  The fact is, she shouldn’t have to protect her heart.  Her heart is already raw; it’s up to the rest of the world to just lean in and hug.

The Road Less Travelled is my Canadian twin.  She has a post about splurging for better seats on an airplane, and I nodded through the whole post.  It pains me to needlessly spend money, and I’m fairly bitter about air travel, but I agree wholeheartedly: “We didn’t get the child we wanted so much — but we CAN have some of those little luxuries that make life more fun and pleasant. So why not?  Life is short… pay for the preferred seat!”  Good advice.

Lastly, Non Sequitur Chica has a post about diversity that was a perfect parenting moment of kids not following the script.  I will probably spend the rest of the day humming, “Hi ho the deerio we all have different skin” to myself.  It’s hard work and it’s important work, but talking about big ideas doesn’t always go as smoothly as you hope.

The roundup to the Roundup: Give me a nap with nuttin’.  Your weekly backup nudge.  And lots of great posts to read.  So what did you find this week?  Please use a permalink to the blog post (written between June 16th and 23rd) and not the blog’s main url. Not understanding why I’m asking you what you found this week?  Read the original open thread post here.


1 a { 06.23.17 at 7:48 am }

Don’t you work from home? Schedule a nap into your day…

2 nonsequiturchica { 06.23.17 at 11:42 am }

Thanks for featuring me! It’s weird to talk about it as a white woman, but I need to get past the uncomfortable feelings as I would like my kids to not be racist. 🙂

Napping is the best! It doesn’t happen very often these days, but when it does it is glorious!

3 Sharon { 06.23.17 at 1:31 pm }

I’m with a: schedule a nap. I thought that would be one of the benefits of being able to control your own schedule.

I find that when I get my full 8 hours of sleep it makes a huge difference for me. Any other day, I could use a nap. 🙂

4 loribeth { 06.23.17 at 2:08 pm }

Thanks for the shoutout, Mel! 🙂

I’m not a huge fan of naps — I usually feel groggy afterwards — but there are times when they are definitely called for. 😉 Hope you get one (or some kind of break) soon!

5 Mali { 06.24.17 at 12:04 am }

I love naps. I’m increasingly a fan of the short nap – setting my alarm for only 30 minutes after lying down. Even in that short time, I can feel refreshed, even if it is initially hard to wake up. (In fact, when we were driving in Norway, we were both so sleepy that we pulled into a parking lot, and had five minutes. Even that made a big difference to how fresh we were for the rest of the journey.)

Thanks for the mention. I feel a little embarrassed now that I was so honest about my reactions to some of the posts I talked about!

6 JustHeather { 06.24.17 at 3:01 pm }

I’m not much of a napper either, but hubby is. It has taken years and years to try to get that across to him and I think he might be finally getting it that once I am awake for the day, that’s it, I just don’t do well going back to sleep. Now…if I can stay asleep in the morning (eg not have to get up with the kids) I can most likely sleep a little longer. This morning was a rare example of that. Hubby let me sleep and sleep I did!!!!

7 Meredith { 06.25.17 at 11:55 am }

Commenting here on your post about French! When I was taking French a few years ago I found a website so helpful from the University of Texas Dept of French. Great grammar and pronunciation help, videos. Tex French Grammar, something like that.

8 Jess { 06.30.17 at 9:44 am }

Thank you for your kind words on my telling-people post, it definitely put the tears in my eyes. It’s so hard not to justify, to want to make everything easier for others when I’m hurting so badly. Ah yes, naps — I hope you get the respite you need! Since being off school I’ve taken at least a short nap each day, apparently all the exhaustion I didn’t have time to honor caught up to me. 🙂 I saw this thing on a class at a gym in the UK called “Napercise” — it’s 15 minutes of workout, then 45 minutes of napping in these bed things with a comforter, because they lower the temperature in the room such that you burn calories in your sleep. Seems to good to be true, but look into that one! 🙂

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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