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778th Friday Blog Roundup

I haven’t seen any reboot shows yet. I barely like reboot books that try to recapture the original magic. It’s not that it can’t be done–The Testaments was wonderful. But there have been too many times when I’ve had deep regrets catching up with beloved characters (Cursed Child springs to mind) that it has kept me from tuning in to revisit old television characters. Visual mediums have an additional hurdle when the characters no longer look or sound the same. It’s like trying to reconnect in your forties with a favourite chum you haven’t seen since preschool.

But I’m really curious about how Thirtysomething will go, and it may be the show that tips me over into the reboot zone. It’s (1) apparently focused on only four of the original group, aiming for the strongest storylines and (2) it’s about that foursome watching their kids navigate their thirties. So… an interesting take.

Plus I loved the original Thirtysomething.

Would you watch the reboot? And do you watch any reboots?


Stop procrastinating. Go make your backups. Don’t have regrets.

Seriously. Stop what you’re doing for a moment. It will take you fifteen minutes, tops. But you will have peace of mind for days and days. It’s the gift to yourself that keeps on giving.

As always, add any new thoughts to the Friday Backup post and peruse new comments in order to find out about methods, plug-ins, and devices that help you quickly back up your data and accounts.


And now the blogs…

But first, second helpings of the posts that appeared in the open comment thread last week. In order to read the description before clicking over, please return to the open thread:

  • None… sniff.

Okay, now my choices this week.

You may have seen last week that Amy Schumer was asking people to text her about IVF, and Risa Kerslake did it. But this post is really about the comments Schumer received for putting her situation out there. She writes, “So Amy Schumer might be unrelatable to those of us who aren’t rich and famous, but she is still getting shitty comments like this, and that, my friends, is why infertility needs to be talked about from people of all walks of life.”

An Engineer Becomes a Mom has a post about arrival (getting through something) that ties in with infertility and resolution. How do you know when you’re resolved? When you’ve arrived on the other side of something? She writes, “For me, I’ve concluded that arrival is getting through the major crap-tastic-burn-it-down dark night of the soul so that when the next dark night comes around it’s not so earth-shattering.” I really love the questions and answers in this post.

Lastly, Dreaming in Diapers has the results from her ninth IVF cycle, and it’s upsetting. She explains: “I actually answered the call this time…most of the time I let it go to voicemail..especially if my hubby is not with me…but this time was different…I was expecting great news…and this is what I heard over the phone.” Please circle the wagons of support, but I also love this battle cry: “it’s tough………….but so am I….

The roundup to the Roundup: Thirtysomething is coming back… maybe? Your weekly backup nudge. And lots of great posts to read. So what did you find this week? Please use a permalink to the blog post (written between January 17 and January 24) and not the blog’s main url. Not understanding why I’m asking you what you found this week? Read the original open thread post here.


1 Marci { 01.24.20 at 1:21 pm }

I liked the new Kolchak. Not as much as the old Kolchak the Night Stalker, but it was still enjoyable. I liked the first 2 seasons of the new Battlestar Galactica. The third was tolerable, and after that, it went off the rails and I tagged out.
I like the new Hawaii 5-0, but I never saw the original until after I saw the remake and I kind of prefer the remake. I’m not sure if I like the Good Eats reboot as much as the original yet. So far, I’m still on the fence.

2 Sharon { 01.24.20 at 1:30 pm }

Can you believe that I’ve never watched a single episode of thirtysomething? I’m guess that I am in the minority, as a woman of my age, in that.

I don’t generally like reboots.

3 Lori Lavender Luz { 01.24.20 at 3:26 pm }

Love love LOVE thirtysomething and will be watching the reboot. Also, Mad About You. Need to figure out how to stream both.

They are both from my early adult years, and it’ll be interesting to watch now that I have children in their early adult years. Wow, does time fly.

4 a { 01.24.20 at 5:27 pm }

I loved the Ghostbusters reboot with Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones! But I haven’t watched any TV series reboots. I never watched thirtysomething – wasn’t my thing or I didn’t have TV at the time? I don’t remember. So, I am not at all interested.

5 Working mom of 2 { 01.25.20 at 12:15 am }

I have never seen thirtysomething. I think I’m just in the wrong age group. When it was on I was a teenager/early 20s so not interested. Then when I was in my 30s and might have been interested streaming wasn’t a thing yet..

I do watch Fuller House

I think that’s the only reboot I’ve seen.

I would be more likely to watch a reboot with the same characters/actors that were there before versus a completely new cast playing a different version .

6 Working mom of 2 { 01.25.20 at 12:18 am }

Ooh I will watch Mad About You

7 Chris { 01.25.20 at 7:43 pm }

I was a teenager when it was on and liked it.And I love much of the cast So, I’m interested but I hadn’t heard about it until you said this so THANK YOU, Mel!! My husband is watching Will & Grace, but I wasn’t into the original and haven’t gotten into the reboot. I am eagerly awaiting Mad about You, but Spectrum isn’t an option here, so hopefully it will come out on DVD in a while. So, I’ll probably give it a try out of nostalgia if nothing else

8 loribeth { 02.04.20 at 3:59 pm }

Late to the party 🙂 but I wrote a while back about the Mad About You reboot & learning about thirtysomething coming back. 🙂


I was a bit disappointed in the initial few episodes of Mad About You, but once they got Mabel off to college & over the initial empty nest stuff, I started enjoying it a lot more. I generally find reboots disappointing — “Murphy Brown” certainly was, although I enjoyed seeing all the familiar characters again, and seeing Avery all grown up — but yeah, I’ll be watching “thirtysomething,” at least initially. 🙂

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