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843rd Friday Blog Roundup

Beorn is our first guinea pig who consistently growls. Truman and Linus would both growl if you bothered them, but Beorn has big feelings about random things. For instance, he doesn’t like when Josh hugs me in front of him. He jumps up and gives a low growl as if to say, “Take your hands off my lady friend.”

I had a day when I had to play my yoga app through my phone. It’s identical to the normal app I use, but it doesn’t contain the background music. He stood and growled for two and a half minutes before I gave up because I couldn’t hear the instructions. I turned on an old audio recording of my yoga routine. He growled once because there was no image on the screen, but he decided that it sounded close enough to normal, so he allowed me to do the routine in peace.

And finally, he hates “Zodiac” by Yaron Hadad. I get it. Many people do. But it’s amusing because I can play any other song. But when this song comes on…

…he stares at me in disbelief and growls until I turn it off. Adding the college-era line dance that goes with the song only makes things worse.

Poor Beorn. Little pig. Big feelings.

Beorn with Art


Stop procrastinating. Go make your backups. Don’t have regrets.

Seriously. Stop what you’re doing for a moment. It will take you fifteen minutes, tops. But you will have peace of mind for days and days. It’s the gift to yourself that keeps on giving.

As always, add any new thoughts to the Friday Backup post and peruse new comments in order to find out about methods, plug-ins, and devices that help you quickly back up your data and accounts.


And now the blogs…

But first, second helpings of the posts that appeared in the open comment thread last week. In order to read the description before clicking over, please return to the open thread:

Okay, now my choices this week.

Jewish IVF thanks the same reporter mentioned in the Second Helpings link above. She explains: “When Kristen Welker and her husband shared their story, I was happy to hear her news. No strings, just happiness. When someone shares their story, I’m so proud of them. Their courage brings awareness which can help end the stigma.” I’m glad they were able to build their family with a surrogate.

A Half-Baked Life tells a sad story about a robin and her eggs. I’m warning you; it’s a little heartbreaking. And this line gutted me: “Reminders that our hearts are never quite the same.” So-freakin’-true.

Lastly, A Separate Life brings Infertility Awareness Month into her non-IF space. Mali also posted on her infertility blog, but there’s something so powerful about pushing a topic from the background into the foreground in a different space. I love all of these reminders, especially: “Talk to us about our lives. You might learn something. We might learn something about you too.” I always do when I pop onto other blogs.

The roundup to the Roundup: Things that make Beorn growl. Your weekly backup nudge. And lots of great posts to read. So what did you find this week? Please use a permalink to the blog post (written between April 23 – 30) and not the blog’s main url. Not understanding why I’m asking you what you found this week? Read the original open thread post here.


1 a { 04.30.21 at 8:12 am }

When I was pregnant for the first time, a robin was building a nest in our pine trees. She laid her eggs and they hatched and we were keeping an eye on them. I lost that baby and not long after, I came home from work to find feathers and blood on the driveway. I suspect it was the raccoons living in the small woods behind our house. So I called the code enforcement to come and set a trap for the raccoons. (They didn’t want to – apparently cleaning up a bit of carnage is not comparable to having your trash knocked over? But I insisted. Then they were super irritated when a raccoon was in the trap and I made them come back and get it because it was about to be a holiday weekend. I was mad at the raccoon, but not die-of-starvation-dehydration-in-a-trap mad.). Now we have a pair of cardinals who build a nest in our thorny barberry bushes every year. I never get to see the babies though.

2 Beth { 04.30.21 at 10:52 am }

One of my cats loses her mind and endlessly yells at us when we use the toaster. She is 18 and has hated every toaster she’s ever lived with. She is also distressed when I sneeze. The rest of my family can sneeze and nothing happens, but the squeaking and pacing when I sneeze is a lot.

Our other cat goes crazy for horns/trumpets – any music that is primarily horns, like Ring of Fire, and she must jump into my lap and knead. Animals are so funny.

3 Sharon { 05.01.21 at 3:31 pm }

I didn’t know that guinea pigs growl! You learn something new every day. 🙂

4 Mali { 05.02.21 at 12:44 am }

Thank you so much for putting my piece in. You’re right – it is an effort send it out to those who don’t think about it all the time, but it’s worth it. One of my commenters has only recently started talking about her infertility – I’ve known her online for about 15 years! I hope it provides her some comfort too.

Also, a growling guinea pig sounds very cute!

5 Jess { 05.02.21 at 7:02 pm }

Oh, Beorn, house can you brown at something so fantastic as the song I didn’t know until now? I want to learn that dance! Beorn is a pig who knows what he likes and doesn’t. I am learning so much about guinea pig personalities through you!

6 Jess { 05.02.21 at 7:03 pm }

Oh jeez, HOW can you GROWL, stupid autocorrect

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