My Wordle Streak Reset!
My Wordle streak randomly reset back to 1 last weekend. I’m using the same link as I always do, and it still has the number of games played. But my streak is currently back in the single digits. And before you start throwing out thoughts such as, “Did you miss a day?” the answer is “no” and I take a screenshot every day.
This is May 29:
This is May 30:
I won in 3 guesses on the 29th and in 5 guesses on the 30th, but the streak reset to 1. The whole thing is meaningless. There are no prizes for keeping a streak going a full year, and I can always know my true streak by adding the two numbers together. Plus, I only started playing on the phone in November, so all my earlier games weren’t counted towards my streak because they were on a different device.
Did I mention that a Wordle streak is completely meaningless?
And yet it annoyed me enough to write this, days later.
I accidentally deleted my statistics because I wasn’t thinking about Wordle when I deleted my internet history. My streak was an unbroken 98, so now I add that to the new statistics. It is totally meaningless and I know I’ve never lost or missed a day since I started, but it really bugged me at the time, and made both kids cry (so that became a good teachable moment on managing disappointment and assessing whether something is a big deal or not).
I lost my streak when the NYT took over Wordle, and I was also weirdly annoyed by this, even though, as you said, it is meaningless. So, solidarity.
It doesn’t matter if it’s meaningless. If it’s going to be stat, it has to be correct. There is enough chaos in the world, we need to be able to count on these small, meaningless, fun things to be accurate. I’m with you and would be annoyed as well.
Is there some sort of 24-hour rule (e.g. 6 am Wednesday and 6 pm Thursday don’t count even though two separate days because the gap between them is too kong)? My Headspace steak reset because of that and I was …displeased. it’s not meaningless if the feature is there.
Is there some sort of 24-hour rule (e.g. 6 am Wednesday and 6 pm Thursday don’t count even though two separate days because the gap between them is too long)? My Headspace steak reset because of that and I was …displeased. it’s not meaningless if the feature is there.
lol, feels like another reason for me not to play Wordle. Although, I’ve been using Fabulous, a routine tracking app and its streaks are meaningless to me. Like, miss one day, start over. I know I’m supposed to care, and try harder to stick to my routines, but it’s just annoying most of the time.