#Microblog Monday 433: Making the Bed
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Despite being a bit of a neat freak (for instance, I even bleach the inside of the dishwasher), I don’t make the bed. Pretty much ever. We shake out the blankets and make it two seconds before we sleep in it at night, but the bed is left unmade during the day. It means I can collapse in bed briefly without feeling like I’m messing things up.
Lifehacker had an article that while you should make your bed (sorry, Lifehacker), you shouldn’t make it first thing in the morning. You’ll throw up a little reading why. But read it anyway.
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We never make the bed either, and I don’t make the kids make theirs. Pick and choose and a made bed doesn’t make me happy
Okay, I will agree that the bed doesn’t have to be made right away and should air our a little first — ours usually doesn’t get done until after we’ve had breakfast, etc. — and with apologies to my mom, it doesn’t always have hospital corners — but it always gets made. I think the house/room looks messy when it doesn’t (especially when the “house” is a condo and not that large, as ours is!) — and it’s just SO much nicer to get into a nicely made bed. Sorry, Mel!
I remember years ago, you asked people re: whether they made their beds in the morning. I was shocked by how many people don’t!
I will often throw the bedclothes back, and air out the bed, or let the sunshine fall on the mattress, for the same reasons mentioned in the article. (Though the less we have to think about our cohabitants of the bed, the better!)
But yes, like Loribeth, the bed is made every day. It gives me a feeling that things are just a little bit under control, that at least I’ve achieved SOMETHING in the day, whereas a messy bed in MY bedroom is … just … yuck. lol Of course, I don’t care what others do with their beds! Besides, as you say, it takes no time at all (twenty seconds at the most?) to throw the duvet back over the bed, and arrange the pillows.
I have to pull the comforter up, because old dog wants to sleep on my pillow, but that’s not acceptable. But, I throw the covers off several times during the night when I’m trying to sleep, so there’s a lot of airing out!