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#Microblog Monday 436: Finishing the Book

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I’m participating in an online book club that meets on the same day each month. I knew the date was creeping closer, but I forgot to finish the book in time. I was okay with the ending being ruined by the first posed question, and I could participate in most of the chat. But afterward, I didn’t know what to do with the book. Should I finish it even though the discussion was over? Drop it for the next book? It felt silly not to read through the final few chapters and see the ending for myself.

This is why I’m not the biggest fan of book clubs — I don’t like reading on a timer. Though I really love the discussion and connection.

Would you finish the book?

P.S. I did.


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1 Mali { 04.03.23 at 9:28 am }

I would finish the book, if I enjoyed it. That’s why I loved our book club. Pre e-books, the host for the meeting would buy 2-3 books, and put it in a big box of previous book club books, and we would read at our leisure. If we were going to be busy that month, we might only take one book. If we were going on a beach holiday, we’d take more. It was tailored to suit us individually. We’d discuss each book without spoilers until we’d all read it. We still do that now unofficially – we talk about the books we’ve read, recommend and warn off, and record it all in goodreads to keep track.

2 loribeth { 04.03.23 at 10:23 am }

Yes, I would finish it. You might know the barebones of what happened because of your club discussion, but there might be some details that weren’t mentioned. I will admit, though, that I very rarely do not finish a book — and even if I do set a book aside, I usually have every intention of getting back to it… some day…! lol (I even have a category on my Goodreads called “I’ll get back to it someday,” lol)

3 Beth { 04.03.23 at 11:34 am }

If I was enjoying the book, I would finish it. I also dislike book clubs for this reason, along with “having” to read a book I don’t enjoy.

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