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#Microblog Monday 441: Kindergarten

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The twins’ Kindergarten teacher was an incredible educator. I stayed in touch with her after the kids moved through other grades and the teacher moved out of the area. The twins invited her to their B’nai Mitzvah because they loved her so much.

I reached out to give her an update about the twins, and she shared that she was now a grandmother and sent along pictures. One circle ends, and another one begins. She gets to provide childcare when her daughter goes back to work. My heart was so happy for her.

Some of my happiest moments are reconnecting with someone I haven’t spoken to or seen in a long time, which is strange because I need to lose touch with them to gain that happiness. But it is what it is.


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1 comment

1 a { 05.18.23 at 7:17 pm }

Aww – that’s so nice! After reading my daughter’s kindergarten teacher’s bio, I said to my husband “I think she’s getting divorced – lots of mention of her kids and other family, but nothing about her husband.” Of course, my daughter heard me and asked her about it, which she vehemently denied. But by the next year, she had a new name and another kid on the way. I have only found one of my daughter’s teachers to be good – her 5th grade teacher. Everyone else has been mediocre to terrible. It’s very depressing, as I have good memories of many of my teachers.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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