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The Final Month

During Kindergarten orientation night, someone called our kids the Class of 2023, and I thought to myself how hard August 2023 would be. Thank G-d it was so far away.

But now it is here. The final month. The final weeks. Really, we’re down to the final days.

It is so weird to dread a month for so long. An event, yes. But a month — to have a date in your head for over a decade — is another story. You can see how far away it is on a calendar and watch it inch closer and closer until you are inside that calendar page. Inside those 31 days.

The mornings are the hardest. I have a few seconds when I wake up while my brain is untangling, and then I remember. And I feel so overwhelmingly sad. The nights are hard, too, when I’m about to go to bed, and I have time to think about it. The rest of the day is filled with work and distractions and tasks.

Apologies. I only have one thing to say lately.


1 Beth { 08.06.23 at 1:11 pm }

My heart is heavy for you. I dread August of 2029 which is when my daughter will be preparing for college. Parenting is so hard and bittersweet. Holding space for you and this complicated time.

2 Jen { 08.06.23 at 4:15 pm }


3 Jess { 08.06.23 at 6:13 pm }

Sending you love and care.

4 Birds and squirrels { 08.07.23 at 7:27 am }

Hugs. It is so hard. How are the kids feeling about things? How far away will they be going?

5 a { 08.08.23 at 11:49 am }

Abiding with you…

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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