The Final Month
During Kindergarten orientation night, someone called our kids the Class of 2023, and I thought to myself how hard August 2023 would be. Thank G-d it was so far away.
But now it is here. The final month. The final weeks. Really, we’re down to the final days.
It is so weird to dread a month for so long. An event, yes. But a month — to have a date in your head for over a decade — is another story. You can see how far away it is on a calendar and watch it inch closer and closer until you are inside that calendar page. Inside those 31 days.
The mornings are the hardest. I have a few seconds when I wake up while my brain is untangling, and then I remember. And I feel so overwhelmingly sad. The nights are hard, too, when I’m about to go to bed, and I have time to think about it. The rest of the day is filled with work and distractions and tasks.
Apologies. I only have one thing to say lately.
My heart is heavy for you. I dread August of 2029 which is when my daughter will be preparing for college. Parenting is so hard and bittersweet. Holding space for you and this complicated time.
Sending you love and care.
Hugs. It is so hard. How are the kids feeling about things? How far away will they be going?
Abiding with you…