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#Microblog Monday 456: Beach Sounds

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I’ve written before that one of my biggest pet peeves is people who play music from a speaker at the beach. Even if it’s music I would typically listen to — and it’s usually not — it is not relaxing to sit between competing speaker set-ups blasting two different songs simultaneously.

But this summer, I did something brilliant. I brought my earbuds, downloaded the sound of ocean waves, and listened to a recording of the beach. While sitting on the beach. I had to turn it up louder than I wanted to drown out the competing Motown Medley and country music crooning, but at least the beach sounded like… the beach.


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1 loribeth { 09.25.23 at 6:25 pm }

Great idea! 😉

2 Jess { 09.25.23 at 7:05 pm }

That is so meta! Did it sync up with the movement of the water? I love that you could close your eyes and be like, AHHHHH JUST ME ON THE BEACH.

3 Mali { 09.25.23 at 7:38 pm }

That’s both brilliant, and horrific (that you had to do it). I forget that we are so lucky here in NZ – so many beaches that are uncrowded. Go to Western Australia – they have just thousands of miles of unspoilt beaches. (And quokkas too, of course!)

4 a { 09.26.23 at 10:43 am }

Here’s my thing with beaches…I don’t really like them. (It’s mostly the sand.) But I really dislike them most when other people are there. So I usually try to go early in the morning, when no one else is about. By the time the people with the speakers arrive, I’m in a place where I can tolerate other people, so I don’t mind that much.

Also, I can’t tolerate things in or on my ears for too long, so the earbuds wouldn’t work for me.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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