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#Microblog Monday 467: Breakfast Roulette

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I heard about an app this week where you meet people in your city for breakfast. The app explains, “Because dinner sounds like a date, and lunch sounds like a work meeting. Breakfast is usually just that — breakfast.” It’s just getting together with another human being and eating together. You can use the app once a day to match with someone in your city because breakfast happens once a day, and they add new cities any time they receive 151 profiles in the same area.

While leaving my home feels like a lot early in the morning, I would be totally into this if I were younger.

What do you think?


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1 loribeth { 12.11.23 at 2:43 pm }

Sounds interesting, and perhaps a good way to make some new friends/contacts. I’m like you, though, re: mornings. Could we make it brunch?? lol

2 Mali { 12.11.23 at 5:45 pm }

Breakfast when working in an office would be easier – and if it’s not going well, you always have the excuse to get to work. But generally I’m with you and Loribeth – I’m not a morning person! Though when I do have early appointments, I quite like being forced to get up and out.
Depends also if it is friends-focused, or yet another dating-focused app.

3 a { 12.13.23 at 7:44 am }

Does the app also suggest a place to go? That would be important to me…

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