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#Microblog Monday 472: Mindful Eating

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If you have trouble with meditation but made it one of your resolutions for this year, you may have more success with a meditation anchor such as mindful eating. The idea is that instead of clearing your mind, you tune all of your thoughts to a single action: Eating a bite of food.

I thought this was a lovely piece on appreciation, and while I don’t think I’ll change my lunch-at-my-desk habit, I do like the idea of setting aside a night once a week to make the table special and feel like a guest in your own home.


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1 loribeth { 01.15.24 at 10:47 am }

I liked the piece on eating mindfully and savouring your food. And yes, setting the table nicely and putting away the phone while we eat makes a difference too! I have my nice china displayed and accessible in a cabinet now (not packed away in boxes), but I still don’t think I’ve used it since we moved here. I need to do that, and more often too.

2 Jess { 01.15.24 at 8:45 pm }

We got into the bad habit of eating in front of the TV, and we’ve been better lately about sitting at the dinner table, which makes savoring easier. Unfortunately we’re also sitting at the dinner table because we have a naughty cat who will wreak havoc in the kitchen if we are in the other room, so maybe we don’t get so much credit for this positive move, ha.

3 Mali { 01.15.24 at 9:06 pm }

Years ago, in an attempt to lose weight, I was taught about mindful eating, in terms of making sure I tasted and chewed my food. I did it religiously – not sure to what extent it contributed to my weight loss – and I liked it. I remember to do it occasionally now – it allows me to really appreciate the food, rather than finding my plate is almost empty and I have no memory of eating it or what it tasted like!

During our covid lockdown, we celebrated Easter and a birthday, and I really liked making our meals special, a nice table, using good china/crystal bowls etc. Because we go out to restaurants for celebrations, we usually don’t do that. But I should make the effort more often. I have an opportunity in a few weeks, and you’ve inspired me to make an effort.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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