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#Microblog Monday 476: Combinations

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If you’ve ever played the game Little Alchemy, you will love this new internet version by Neal.fun. However, it didn’t keep my progress when I closed the tab and reopened it to play again.

If you’ve never played the game Little Alchemy, you can now play it online, though I prefer the app version on my phone. The UX is a little clunkier than Neal.fun’s version, though the idea is the same: You combine items to make new items. For example, put two “earth” together, and it turns into a mountain. You can now combine a mountain with earth and get a volcano. You can add fire to the volcano and get lava. So on and so on.

Happy playing.


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1 comment

1 Jess { 02.12.24 at 6:27 pm }

That sounds like a fun game! I don’t go for games like that, but I have enjoyed all the word game suggestions you’ve given. It sounds like it could make you feel very powerful! 🙂

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