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#Microblog Monday 490: Life Advice

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I always click on life advice, figuring that it costs me 30 seconds to skim the list to see if anything jumps out, and this list grabbed me at the first point: “Don’t go to every fight you’re invited to.” Let’s just say that I saw the list on the perfect day to take that advice and use it.

While I’ll never aim to wake up before sunrise on a daily basis, I took #13 and #14 to heart.

What appealed to you on the list?


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1 Mali { 05.20.24 at 8:30 pm }

I really like that. Though I was raised to never go to any fight, because it felt as if my opinions were less important than others, so these days I do go to the occasional fights! lol But the reminder is important. And I know some people who definitely need this advice! (#9 is very similar). So is #13, which I also really like. I’m working on that one. And #14 is something I have learned to do, but differently.

I like #18, Prioritise (sorry, can’t write it with a “z”) yourself. As noted above, it’s taken a long time to be able to do this. And #30, Be Yourself is perhaps the most important.

Pah!!! to the “get up before sunrise.” Once in a blue moon it is fun – usually when I’m travelling and have no choice. But I cannot do that every day. Not even in winter! lol

2 Jess { 05.20.24 at 9:32 pm }

Oh how funny, my post today is about a list as well! 🙂 There were several that resonated with me:

9) Choose Being Happy Over Being Right (the stubborn Taurus in me fights this but it’s such great advice)
10) Put Your Troubles in a Bubble (I should do this more often, I have done the “Imagine thoughts as clouds and blow them out of your sky for now” meditation and I think I like the bubbles more!)
27) Stop Trying to Control Everything (I am working REALLY hard on this one and it is way easier said than done)

I’m with Mali, getting up before sunrise is so not worth it to me. I can do it, but ugh.

3 loribeth { 05.20.24 at 10:09 pm }

(Just realized I forgot to comment!) Some excellent advice there. Hard to pick which ones spoke to me the most, but off the top of my head, I’d say 4, 5 & 20 — also 27.

I’m with Mali & Jess on #29!! — yeah, I can do it if I have to (and have, when I was working — during the winter, the sun would just be coming up as our train was pulling into Union Station in the city…!) — but I’d rather not! lol

4 Lisa { 05.21.24 at 9:51 pm }

Number 7 is speaking to me today. Don’t worry, but also dont plan/set too many expectations.

Its been a really long time since I checked in and I love that stirrup-queens is still here ticking along.

A quiet corner of comfort and support when I’m feeling vulnerable.

Thank you Mel, for your work, consistency and the community you have built.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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