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#Microblog Monday 491: Underwater Hotel

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I have a new life goal: Stay in an underwater hotel.

Traveler put out a list of underwater hotels. Most start above ground and then move underwater, or they’re really aquarium-view hotels (as in, your window looks into an aquarium). I’ve fallen in love with all of the options in the Maldives. The first one is probably my favourite.


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1 loribeth { 05.27.24 at 7:10 pm }

Hmmm… not sure I’d be comfortable with that! But I’m reminded of a dumb old movie I saw when I was a teenager from the late 1960s/early 1970s — it was called “Hello Down There,” about a family that lived under water! Richard Dreyfuss played the teenaged son (!).


2 Jess { 05.27.24 at 8:32 pm }

OMG OMG OMG nooooooooooo. Isn’t there a Jaws movie about this? It looks like it could be lovely, if you didn’t have a horrific fear of being crushed by the underwater pressure, or drowning because your room springs a leak, or some megalodon smashing your underwater space to smithereens to have you as a snack. Nope nope nope.
I think if you don’t have those thoughts, it could be quite lovely! 🙂

3 Mali { 05.28.24 at 12:21 am }

I think I’d have drowning nightmares – even though I love snorkelling amongst the fish and coral etc. I have claustrophobic tendencies, so this wouldn’t be good for me. Over water hotel rooms, though, are lovely – I’ve stayed in one in Malaysia, and have considered many more. That’s what I’d opt for if I were going to the Maldives. lol

4 a { 06.06.24 at 4:50 pm }

Wanna go to the Maldives? I think the kid an I both came across something from there – hers was a $4000/night hotel.

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