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18 Years of Blogging

This blog is officially an adult on Friday.

When I started writing it, I thought it would be amazing if I could keep it going for a year or two. But I kept it going for 18 years — 5 posts per week, every week, with very few exceptions.

Building on last year’s post, there are now over 5,700 posts and over 85,000 comments. I cannot begin to calculate how many hours have been spent on this space. I have been writing this blog for 36% of my life. For 90% of the twins’ lives.

I am so grateful to everyone who reads it — for the relationships I built over these 18 years. For the voices who have come and gone (and sometimes come back again). Thank you. For being here.


1 loribeth { 06.19.24 at 7:02 pm }

Happy, happy blogoversary, Mel!! I feel so lucky to have been reading for about 17 of those years. 🙂 A million thanks for all you have done and continue to do for our community. xo

2 sharah { 06.20.24 at 12:28 am }

Hi! I happened to pop by just in time – I think the picture of you and the ravens showed up in my facebook feed and I wondered if you were still actively blogging. Congratulations on making it to 18 years! That’s a huge accomplishment!

3 Mali { 06.20.24 at 11:48 pm }

Wow, that’s such a wonderful accomplishment. Congratulations! And a huge thanks, both personally and on behalf of all those who have found comfort and community in your words, and the words of so many commenters. Woohoo! I hope you celebrate this somehow!

4 a { 06.23.24 at 3:29 pm }

Thanks for keeping me entertained and thinking for all these years!

5 birds and squirrels { 06.30.24 at 7:51 am }

I’m a bit late (I’ve been recovering from knee surgery and behind on everything), but I wanted to say congratulations! 18 years! It seems impossible that I have been reading your blog for 16 of those years! Thank you for all of your time and many thousands of posts.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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