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An Excellently Boring Fourth of July

We do not have Fourth of July plans, and I’m totally fine with that. We could go to the fireworks, have people over, or go to the pool, but we’re not making the most of the long weekend. We’re not really doing anything exciting at all.

I read an essay a few weeks ago about Boring Girl Summer, and I loved it because it raises a fair point: who decided that summer has to be fun? I like winter and cold weather more than summer, and plans do not always equal excitement. The writer lives close to the beach, so they have a built-in activity, but I will definitely be joining her with this: “Lounge in the backyard and read while you drink homemade iced tea sweetened with local honey.”

You can read anywhere. And not make plans anywhere. And wander around a farmers market anywhere. And make a meal entirely out of things you find at the farmers market wherever you live. That’s what I plan to do with this weekend.

1 comment

1 Mali { 07.05.24 at 3:54 am }

How lovely. Enjoy yourself. Lazy summer days are the best!

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