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#Microblog Monday 495: Embroidery

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It started with one suggested calligraphy video in my Instagram feed. A disembodied hand was showing how to create illuminated letters. I watched it, and the next day, three calligraphy videos were in my feed. And for days after, a third of my feed was disembodied hands creating gorgeous letters.

And then came the embroidery videos. One was mixed in with the calligraphy videos, and within a day, the calligraphy videos were replaced with embroidery videos. There were embroidered flowers on jeans, embroidered designs on collars, and nimble disembodied hands showing me how to create seven different kinds of knots in thread.

I’m not sure what they’ll deliver next or if I’ll be stuck with embroidery videos for a long time because I bookmarked them, intending to return to them when I purchased some thread and could try out the knots myself.


Are you also doing #MicroblogMondays? Add your link below. The list will be open until Tuesday morning. Link to the post itself, not your blog URL. (Don’t know what that means? Please read the three rules on this post to understand the difference between a permalink to a post and a blog’s main URL.) Only personal blogs can be added to the list. I will remove any posts connected to businesses or sponsored posts.


1 FinallyMyLinesNow { 07.01.24 at 10:05 am }

I find these targeted/cross-targeted ads pretty creepy. Worse is that I get ads on my cell phone that relate to things that other people in my house have searched for. My mom’s here visiting? I get Geographic Expeditions travel ads. Our au pair’s getting clothes for a wedding? Suddenly Temu is everywhere on my phone.

I hope the embroidery turns out to be enjoyable, if you ever take it on!

2 Jess { 07.01.24 at 8:13 pm }

Oooh, calligraphy to embroidery sounds like a lovely transition. I bet it’s relaxing and inspirational (aspirational?) to watch those flowers appear. I’m not on instagram, but my google feed discovers when I have something I like to watch. Most recently it’s surfing videos. I don’t know why I find them relaxing, they are also terrifying, but the phone knows. It is always listening. Which is freaking creepy.

3 Mali { 07.02.24 at 2:30 am }

The calligraphy is beautiful, and I can only imagine the embroidery is. I get lots of sewing tips feeds. Embroidery sounds more fun though.

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