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#Microblog Monday 499: Saving Together

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This is such a smart idea: a savings group. Because different people will have different budgets or salaries, a savings club is a group you enter with your friends so you can do things together. Everyone can join in on the vacation or participate in a social activity.

“Forming gyemoim groups can help friends or families split travel costs equally so everyone can participate, regardless of his or her personal budget.”

The idea is that everyone contributes the same club dues, and when you have a big enough pot, you decide together how to spend it. Isn’t that a cool practice?


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1 Jess { 07.29.24 at 10:48 pm }

Hmmm, interesting idea. I think you’d have to choose carefully who you enter into the savings group with… But I like the balancing of it!

2 loribeth { 07.30.24 at 7:31 pm }

I feel like savings clubs are an old idea from the 1950s? But I agree with Jess, you’d have to be able to trust your fellow club members…!

3 Mali { 07.30.24 at 10:45 pm }

That’s a nice idea. But as Jess said, you’d have to be careful about who you were with! I have a SIL who thinks $1000 is a cheap flight, a simple side trip, and suggested I visit her multiple times a year. I told her she lives in a different world!

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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