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My Life in Notebooks

Along with needing a new planner, the company also discontinued the notebooks I use for my bullet journal and work notebook. The work notebook was harder to replace — there isn’t a lot out there exactly like it — so I drove around buying up all of the stock I could find in-store. This amounted to 14 notebooks. I go through one every 1.5 – 2 years. Would I work another 21 to 28 years? Totally possible that I will retire within that window. And if I work beyond that, I could always suck it up and deal with a different kind of notebook for my final years.

The bullet journal was easier to replace — a Moleskine is a similar notebook — but the truth was that replacing it was filling me with anxiety. I didn’t want something different. I wanted my paper strength and stay.

The company was selling the final stock online, and if I ordered 18 notebooks, I would get free shipping. I could have my exact notebook and never have to switch brands. I go through a bullet journal every 1.75 years. That’s 31.5 more years of bullet journaling. And I could probably stretch them out about 2 years at this point because I’m mostly balancing just my schedule vs. also remembering everything for the kids.

It was a lot of money to invest in paper notebooks, but it was also like buying a forever stamp. Yes, it was more money now, but over time, as notebook prices increase, I will likely save money by making this one-time big purchase instead of finding (and paying for) new notebooks one at a time.

But it was also strange to think about my life in notebooks. My work life in notebooks — as I see the stack dwindle down, it’s also my work years dwindling down. My personal life in notebooks — how much longer do I have to live when I’m down to a handful of notebooks? It was a little sobering.

But at least I only have to worry about the planner now.

1 comment

1 Jess { 07.16.24 at 10:19 am }

Oh man, the visual of the dwindling notebooks gave me a pang! That’s such a fascinating concept, measuring life in units of the things you use or record or consume. I’m glad you found a bulk option for your existing notebook, it stinks when you find something that works and that you love, but then it just POOF is discontinued. Hooray for quality notebooks!

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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