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#Microblog Monday 501: Childhood Pictures

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I’m not sure where I originally saw it, but someone posted a Twitter thread of pictures that represent moments from a 1980s childhood. All except maybe five or six triggered such a clear and happy (or sometimes unhappy) memory from elementary school.

It will likely only be meaningful to kids in the United States, but yes to all of this. This is what childhood in the 80s looked like.


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1 loribeth { 08.12.24 at 7:57 pm }

Ummm, a lot of the stuff in the photos posted (or some version of them) would also be applicable to a 1960s/70s childhood too. Just saying…! 😉

2 Jess { 08.12.24 at 9:05 pm }

Oh man, I’m not on X so I can’t see more than the finger tracing the cinderblock seam in a hall. My classroom STILL has a cinderblock wall (and two pegboard walls). I think somewhere we have a hallway where I could do this! I wish I could see the others, I bet it’s awesome. There HAS to be a metal lunchbox in there (my first one was Lassie).

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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