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#Microblog Monday 502: Frozen Fruit Summer

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We’ve labeled this frozen fruit summer. It started when Josh wanted chocolate-covered bananas. We bought a box from the freezer section but quickly moved to making them ourselves after we added up the cost of said box of frozen bananas. We ended each dinner for most of the summer with a chocolate-covered banana slice — perfection.

But then we expanded into frozen grapes due to an episode of The Handsome Podcast. Fortune Feimster mentioned frozen grapes, and I realized I had no clue how a frozen grape tasted. I don’t love regular grapes, but frozen grapes are one of the best things I’ve ever had.


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1 HereWeGoAJen { 08.19.24 at 10:13 am }

I tried frozen grapes once, fifteen years ago, and I found them horrendous. I feel like I ought to try them again because everyone loves them and maybe I just got a bad batch of frozen grapes?

2 Jess { 08.19.24 at 8:27 pm }

I looooove frozen grapes, but they have to be red seedless grapes and they have to be firm when you freeze them. My best friend and I used to play cards on her porch on hot summer nights and eat frozen grapes from a plastic souvenir cup from Cape May. Frozen banana slices in chocolate are also good, but I’m a sucker for a frozen grape on a hot night.

3 Mali { 08.19.24 at 11:33 pm }

Frozen grapes? I’m learning that our summers are very different! lol Besides, the mere thought of frozen grapes makes me shiver right now.
Brrrr, from the land of hot soups downunder.

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