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A few weeks ago, I was the only one awake, and I started Googling Canadian cities with good waterfronts. Why? I’m not sure. It just felt like a good idea at the time. I discovered that Toronto had a great waterfront, AND we could drive there in about 8 hours. That was good because it was way too late to purchase plane tickets.

Josh woke up, and I asked him if he wanted to drive to Toronto.

Then the kids got up and started making a list of things we could do in the city.

And finally, I wrote the Road Less Travelled to see if I could meet her because I knew she lived in Ontario. I then looked up which British books on my TBR were already in Canadian bookstores, even though they haven’t been released yet in the US. (There were two!) Priorities.

A few days later, we jumped in the car and drove 8 hours to Toronto, stopping in Niagara to show the kids the falls. We spent 6 days walking around the city, photographing the architecture, eating vegan food, peeking into museums, meeting Lori, and buying matching t-shirts at Roots.


Bata Shoe Museum: We swapped in for a different museum at the last minute, and it was fantastic.

Art Gallery of Toronto: It felt similar to Rijkmuseum, trading Dutch artists for Canadian ones.

Toronto Islands: We got there early and were still inundated with little kids, but the islands are beautiful, and the water is crystal clear.

Fresh Kitchen: We had two great meals at this low-key vegan restaurant and bought one of the cookbooks so we could recreate it at home.

Dinner with Lori: Meeting someone I have been reading for 17 years was amazing.

University of Toronto: We had a lot of fun walking around the campus.


Casa Loma: It was fine. I had a good time being there with the kids and Josh, but we also could have been happy dropping it.

Kensington Market: This neighbourhood kept popping up on lists as a must-see. It might have been better if we had been there for a meal, but as it was, it was hot, crowded, and loud.

Distillery District: This felt like it was designed for Instagram posts.

Our final takeaway:

Toronto seems like a great place to live, but it’s less great to visit if you’re already from a large city. We missed the unique history and culture of a place like Montreal. Toronto felt like a blend of New York and Chicago. I’m not sure we would return, even though we had a good time while we were there.


1 HereWeGoAJen { 08.25.24 at 4:37 pm }

That sounds like such a wonderful trip. And I’m so glad you got to meet Lori!

2 loribeth { 08.25.24 at 8:59 pm }

I’ve been waiting for this post! 😉 Glad you had a (mostly) good time — but I do hope you come back someday! — hopefully once all the construction work has subsided! (eyeroll) It was so wonderful to FINALLY get to meet and hug you, after all these years — and getting to meet your family too was a huge bonus! 🙂

3 Jess { 08.26.24 at 6:57 pm }

Yay, so amazing to meet a bloggy friend in the corporeal world!

Um, how is it that I’ve lived on the other side of the lake from Toronto for 23 YEARS and I had no idea there was such a thing as the Toronto Islands! It sounds like a beautiful trip for so many reasons.

And, if you decide to go to the Falls or Toronto and you’re on the 90, my house is RIGHT off one of the exits near Rochester! The Finger Lakes are a great destination… 🙂

4 Mali { 08.26.24 at 8:22 pm }

I am chuckling that one of the motivations to go was that you could get some books in Toronto that were not out yet in the US! Priorities, indeed! lol And how wonderful to be able to wake up and say, “let’s drive to another country!” lol

Sooo glad you and Loribeth got to meet up for dinner. How wonderful. I’ve met internet friends in person before, but never someone I’ve known for so long. (Though doing so is definitely on my bucket list.)

I’m really impressed the Art Gallery was like the Rijkmuseum!

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