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#Microblog Monday 505: Productive Procrastination

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.


To-do lists are difficult, seeing all of those tasks you need to do listed out. So I thought the triple list hack was brilliant.

The woman lists three things she needs to do each day: one annoying, one uncomfortable, and one painful. She then explains: “Having three of varying discomfort means I am more likely to do the lesser ones as a way to productively procrastinate on the bigger one.”

So she does the minimally annoying one (posting a letter) to get herself out of the more painful one (not eating sugar). She gets at least one thing accomplished.


Are you also doing #MicroblogMondays? Add your link below. The list will be open until Tuesday morning. Link to the post itself, not your blog URL. (Don’t know what that means? Please read the three rules on this post to understand the difference between a permalink to a post and a blog’s main URL.) Only personal blogs can be added to the list. I will remove any posts connected to businesses or sponsored posts.


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