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#Microblog Monday 508: Like Exchange

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There was a story/idea going around the Internet a few weeks ago about trip planning Google Doc exchanges; these detailed Google Docs that people compile and trade with recommendations for various cities.

And it sounded like a great idea if you knew the person and knew you traveled similarly. For instance, I know someone who likes to go to vineyards when they travel. We don’t drink. So, a Google Doc with vineyard recommendations wouldn’t be helpful. But someone who loves historical sites and weird finds? That would be a fantastic exchange.

But then I realized I could get that without a Google Doc simply by checking out Rick Steves’ itinerary coupled with Atlas Obscura.

What do you think? Would you use a stranger’s Google Doc?


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1 HereWeGoAJen { 10.21.24 at 10:02 am }

I really like to get recommendations from real people instead of doing searches on the internet, even if I don’t know the people. I usually use Facebook groups for this sort of thing but I think a google doc exchange, if I could find a good match, would be fantastic.

2 loribeth { 10.21.24 at 4:43 pm }

I could see myself using a resource like that, but I probably wouldn’t use it as my ONLY source of travel info. I like to look at a lot of different sites , etc., and poll my own FB friends (and possibly my blog readers too!) for their suggestions.

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