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The Dating Hour

I get that this was (1) a joke that turned into a TikTok thing, and (2) is likely over by this point, and (3) led to many pineapples being damaged, but it’s kind of a brilliant way to get people into the store AND help them find one another in a no-pressure way.

If I ran the store, I would have a ribbon you could pick up as you entered the store, and you could tie it to your cart. And different colours would symbolize different things. Like blue would mean you’re looking for friendship, and it would let people know to strike up a conversation with you. Or red could mean you’re looking for a date, so if they see it on your cart, you’re available to be asked out. At the very least, you get your shopping accomplished. And at most, you walk away with someone’s number or a fun conversation.

So who is going to start this for real without damaging pineapples?

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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