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Musical Mystery

The Wolvog told me how to see my year-end wrap-up from Apple Music, akin to the interesting breakdown Goodreads provides for books. I don’t listen to a lot of music, but we took a bunch of long drives, and I have one mix that I keep adding to that received a bunch of plays.

I listened to 2,651 minutes of music, which comes out to about 7 minutes per day. Though I may have left something playing with my computer on mute at some point because I definitely did not spend 4.7% of my yearly minutes listening to Rufus Wainwright. I mean, I love the man’s voice, but there are only two songs from him on that enormous mix. I did not listen to those two songs for 124 minutes.

But what made me enormously amused was when it told me what I listened to (and how much I listened to) in 2023 vs. 2024. Everything in 2024 made sense, but everything popular in 2023 was artists I had never heard of. I was on with the Wolvog when I was looking at the report, and when I said that aloud, he started to laugh.

Years ago, when the kids were little, they were both under my Apple ID. Once we got family sharing, the Wolvog separated out, but the ChickieNob kept using my Apple ID until she left for college. She listens to a lot of Francophone rock because she set her phone entirely to French. I was seeing her Belgian mixes.

Mystery solved.

1 comment

1 HereWeGoAJen { 12.15.24 at 10:30 am }

I don’t listen to music at all, only when I am with someone else who is listening to music. Matt set up my own Spotify account once but Alex uses it so that is the recap I got. I am all audiobooks, all the time for my listening. I wish I could get a recap on that. (“You listened to ten gazillion hours of cozy mysteries.”)

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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