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Not Buying It

Josh received a discount code from my rain boot company. I think of it as my rain boot company because I have taken to wearing my rain boots as my normal shoes. If you’re always in rain boots, you’re always prepared. That may become my new motto.

But I convinced myself that I needed a new pair during Black Friday because I had a discount code and my boots were old and faded. Didn’t I want nice, new, shiny rain boots? Didn’t I deserve nice, new, shiny rain boots?

I went down a rabbit hole of rain boot options. Did I want to switch to a Chelsea boot style? Did I want mid-calf boots? What about the lining inside — how much cold protection did I want so the boot could double as snow boots?

I kept putting off and putting off the purchase because I wasn’t sure. Did I really need new boots? My current boots were fine. They were broken in. I knew I liked them. They made excellent hiking boots. The new boots were a bit unknown. Sure, they would be nice, new, and shiny, but would they be comfortable?

In the end, I realized that not buying the boots was easier than buying the boots. Not buying them took less time, and I ended up richer at the end of the exercise because I hadn’t parted with the money. My boots weren’t amazing, but they were fine. And fine sometimes has more benefits than amazing.

Forget that first motto. Maybe my new motto this holiday season will be not buying it is easier than buying it. It’s a good reminder when you’re bombarded with sales for things you don’t really need.


1 HereWeGoAJen { 12.11.24 at 9:08 am }

I have been doing a lot of this lately too. Just not getting the thing because I am exhausted with all the options and the research and how EVERYTHING COSTS MONEY ALL THE TIME. It’s simpler.

2 Phoenix { 12.11.24 at 1:02 pm }

Oh this is great! “Not buying it is easier than buying it” really resonates with me. I just bought a new appliance and I hated doing the research and paying for the big purchase. I will be glad to have the new appliance, but hopefully I won’t have to buy anything again for awhile. Maybe I can coast with my current possessions.

3 Turia { 12.11.24 at 1:03 pm }

I would love to know what brand your boots are because I cannot imagine finding rain boots comfortable enough to wear as my everyday shoes, let alone hike in!

4 a { 12.20.24 at 4:59 pm }

I’m buying all the things right now, so that I will not need any more things in the future. 2025 will be for selling, not buying.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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