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The Quiet Zone

We are now entering the heart of the Quiet Zone, which begins around Thanksgiving and reaches its climax near Christmas, continuing through the beginning of January. You may think of it as the Busy Zone or the Loud Zone because you have a ton of things to do to get through the holiday season. But this period can become strangely empty if you don’t celebrate Christmas.

If I’m waiting on anything big during this time, I know that (1) if I receive the item/answer at all, it will be much later than I thought it would come, and (2) it will likely be pushed back until January. No one wants to start things in mid-December. If we hadn’t conceived the twins on the cycle when we conceived the twins, I could have seen the clinic encouraging us to take a cycle off to not conflict with the holidays.

I could, of course, lean into this, knowing that I can’t fight it. It happens every year. And for someone who really loves silence, it is weird that I get so antsy with quiet periods. But I do.

So I’m filling the time with projects. Hoping I can hit the ground running when everything ramps up again in January.


1 HereWeGoAJen { 12.22.24 at 12:30 pm }

I can believe this. Everything I do lately is consumed with Christmas, so if it wasn’t, it would be a very quiet time of year indeed.

2 Phoenix { 12.23.24 at 9:48 pm }

I celebrate a cultural Xmas where I put up a tree with lights and ornaments and stuff stockings with candy for my boyfriend and me. But there’s no hustle and bustle. I don’t go to church. I don’t have kids. I haven’t been to a holiday party in years. But I’ve come to relish the quiet that comes at the end of the year when everyone else is busy and I’m not haha.

(c) 2006 Melissa S. Ford
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