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1027th Friday Blog Roundup

Beorn has been off all week, not acting like himself, which means that I have been off all week, not feeling like myself. I feel such a deep responsibility for this guinea pig and the fact that he depends on me to figure out what is wrong and address it.

The two main issues are that (1) he isn’t consistent. One day, he’ll barely eat things he normally loves, such as lettuce, but he’ll chow down on an apple slice, and he never fails to beg for his vitamin. The pig LOVES his vitamin more than anything else in the world. So he eats, but he’s eating strangely. And (2) we no longer have a vet specializing in exotics. We now have a general vet who normally focuses on cats and dogs but will care for our guinea pig when needed. So, taking Beorn to the vet is a little different than taking a dog because it’s outside his focus. The only vet we know in the area who treats exotics wasn’t taking new patients the last time we called, and we don’t have an emergency situation where our vet could call in a favour for her expertise.

We’re going to our vet, but I wish Beorn could tell me whether to chill or whether something is wrong.


Stop procrastinating. Go make your backups. Don’t have regrets.

Seriously. Stop what you’re doing for a moment. It will take you fifteen minutes, tops. But you will have peace of mind for days and days. It’s the gift to yourself that keeps on giving.

As always, add any new thoughts to the Friday Backup post and peruse new comments to find out about methods, plug-ins, and devices that help you quickly back up your data and accounts.

And now the blogs…


But first, second, helpings of the posts that appeared in the open comment thread last week. To read the description before clicking over, please return to the open thread:

  • Nothing… sniff.

Okay, now my choices this week.

In Search of Motherhood gives an update after a long time away. I liked the title because it’s no small thing to continue moving forward during an impossibly difficult time: In Which Our Heroine Is… Still Standing. Sending a hug because the pain comes through her words.

Lastly, Hopelessly Infertile and Surrounded by Fertiles closes out a hard month by reflecting on a difficult situation and the need for transparency and honesty when giving disappointing news. She admits: “I don’t know what to do with these feelings. They go away most of the time, but in this season, they come back. How happy I was to be there for them then. And how sad it makes me now that I was ever happy for someone who treated me so shabbily.” It’s a hard situation without an easy answer.

The roundup to the Roundup: Not sure what is up with Beorn. Your weekly backup nudge. And lots of great posts to read. So what did you find this week? Please use a permalink to the blog post (written between March 7 – 14) and not the blog’s main URL. Not understanding why I’m asking you what you found this week. Read the original open thread post here.


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