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Mental Sampler 30

Who knows when to mark the five-year anniversary of COVID? I looked back at four updates, each a week apart (1, 2, 3, 4), and marveled at how little I knew. And how I would still be masking five years later. Still dealing with it five years later.


I started a folder called The Price of Things where I take a screenshot of the cost of maple syrup and avocados at the grocery store. I’m not sure what watching the price of maple syrup go up accomplishes except to stoke my rage.


If you haven’t watched Severance, I recommend watching Severance. It’s really good. But if you are going to watch Severance, know that the Chikhai Bardo episode is one of the most moving, accurate depictions of infertility. Ever. They captured the highs and the lows of five years of trying to build a family.


1 a { 03.11.25 at 8:01 am }

I need to watch Season 2 soon before our free trial ends. But I am not in the right mood for it yet. I love Patricia Arquette, so i hate when she’s a villain, but she’s still sooo good.

2 HereWeGoAJen { 03.11.25 at 10:49 am }

March 13th is our covidiversary in our house. It was the day we came inside and then stayed there. It was the last day of school and I remember closing the door behind them when they got home and thinking “well, there’s that.” And I also knew at the time that we weren’t coming out again until there was a vaccine. I never said so because everyone was talking about two weeks to flatten the curve and all that, but I remember looking out the window thinking “I just can’t see a way that we are all back out again until vaccines.”

March 13th is also my MIL’s birthday so it was easy for me to remember the exact date I was thinking all this.

We’ve always done a little something every March 13th since 2021 to celebrate us. Celebrate isn’t exactly the right word. It’s more like to mark our perseverance and the sacrifices the kids made to their childhoods and to remember how far we’ve come since then. I don’t know what we will do this year. It’s the first year where we already have something else going on that day. Maybe we will mark the day on the weekend instead.

3 loribeth { 03.11.25 at 6:46 pm }

I, umm, actually have it written on my calendar! But a lot of the news sites have had “5 years later” coverage this week/today, so it was kind of hard to ignore.

I always think of March 12th as “the last normal day” — the last day we went out for lunch, went grocery shopping, etc., before everything shut down a few days later. I took a photo of the toilet paper shelves at the supermarket, which were completely bare by then. I used it in one of my blog posts right around that time.

4 Mali { 03.11.25 at 9:53 pm }

My five-year anniversary for COVID will be 23 March, the day it was announced we would go in a lockdown. Though I know we were monitoring it even in January, when we had a visit from my BIL from the US, and in February, I was surprised when a friend from California visited. I might write about it in the next week or two. Thanks for the reminder!

I liked the first series of Severance, and have been saving up to watch the second. Glad you still liked it, and thanks for the warning. Though it is always good when infertility is dealt with realistically.

Maple syrup and avocados made me laugh initially, though I see now why you might choose those two things. Hugs.

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