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Sick Pig

The good news: There is likely nothing seriously wrong with Beorn. The vet checked everything he could check without resorting to equipment like an MRI and said everything checked out fine.

It is likely an infection. The vet prescribed antibiotics (which Beorn loves because it’s in sugar syrup), eye drops (which Beorn hated when the vet put them in but silently endures it when I do), and Critical Care (which is an enormous mess — he likes to dribbled it out of his mouth). I wrestle with him three times per day to get him to take everything, and then give him slices of apple because I feel guilty.

He is still Blair-Witching it, where he goes into the corner of his cage and stares at the wall. If I call his name, he’ll half turn around, glare at me, and then turn back to looking at the wall.

But hopefully at the end of this upcoming week, he will be back to his normal self. And I can stop obsessing about his weird behaviour.


1 Jess { 03.16.25 at 7:55 am }

Oh Mel, thinking of you and Beorn! I saw the title and my heart dropped, I am glad he’s getting all the medicine and it’s nothing too serious. I live that you call that behavior “Blair Witching it” — my 18-19 year old cat does that and it freaks me out too. Speedy recovery, Beorn! You’ve got a good piggie mama.

2 a { 03.16.25 at 8:15 am }

Poor you! (Beorn seems like he’s managing just fine if he’s well enough to give you dirty looks.) I hope this takes care of whatever is ailing him.

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