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Spoke Too Soon?

Beorn seemed to be getting better, but when I went to clean his cage on Sunday night, I realized that the bedding was dry and there were very few poops. At the same time, he looked healthy and had stopped Blair Witching it in the corner of the cage.

I gave him a bath, hoping the fresh bedding and clean fur would reset him, but he still refused to eat hay or pellets or drink water. He would nibble on vegetables and was happy to consume the Critical Care. Again, he looked happy and healthy despite the lack of food.

I kept Googling, and I decided that he was impacted. This meant that I would need to clear his intestines. (I’m aware that probably everyone just threw up in their mouth. I wanted to throw up in the moment, and I had nightmares about it all night.) I watched a YouTube video to learn how to do it — A YOUTUBE VIDEO (seriously, what is the world coming to?) — and played amateur vet. It was revolting, but I thought I had solved the problem and would wake up to a cage full of poop and an empty hay bowl.

That isn’t what happened. I woke up to him pretty much exactly the same. Happy, healthy-looking, and not eating.

Redditors told me to fill a paper bag with hay and let him play in it because he’ll eat some of it, too. He may have, but you wouldn’t know. Mostly, he hopped around inside the bag, loving the crinkling sound, and finally flopped down and took a nap.

So we are still on Critical Care and still trying to find a solution to his totally weird behaviour.

1 comment

1 Charlotte { 03.18.25 at 12:49 pm }

OH Mel….I feel this so hard. pet love is like no other.

How old is Beorn? Pigs generally don’t live as long as other pets, and he could just be changing as he ages, like we do. Maybe he’s just going through a grumpy old man phase, just because he can. and we humans dont act the exact same, we get out of sorts too. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️sending love

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